Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Parties (Al-Ahzab)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[33:1] O ona prophet ona reverence GOD nie obey disbelievers hypocrites. GOD bol
Omniscient Wise.
[33:2] Nasledovat co revealed ona tvoj Lord GOD bol fully Cognizant Z everything
[33:3] put tvoj trust GOD GOD suffices ZASTANCA.
[33:4] GOD NIE DAT any CLOVEK 2 SRDCE JEHO chest. Nor robit He turn tvoj
zena koho ona estrange tvoj zvyk) tvoj matka! Nor robit He turn tvoj adopted dieta into
genetic offspring All these je mere utterances ona invented GOD speaks truth He guides
[33:5] Ona dat tvoj adopted dieta vola sa ze zavarit ich vztah ich genetic rodicia! This
bol equitable zrak GOD If ona nie zauzlit ich rodicia potom mat rad tvoj brethren
nabozenstvo ona treat them members tvoj rodina. Ona nie commit zhresit ona robit omyl
v this zretel; ona bol zodpovedny for tvoj purposeful zamer. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[33:6] prophet bol koniec do believers than they je do each inak, jeho manzelka bol
matka them. Vztazny berie care z jeden iny v accordance s GOD’s scripture. Thus
believers berie care z ich vztazny immigrate them zadovazit they have pocas care z ich
own rodina 1! These bol commandments this scripture.
[33:7] Recall lenze my berie prophets ich covenant ona O Muhammad) Noah Abraham
Moses Jesus syn Mary! My berie them solemn zavazok.
[33:8] Subsequently He iste question truthful about ich truthfulness chystat disbelievers
v this Quranic fact) painful retribution!
[33:9] O ona verit zapamatat si GOD’s zehnat ona; when vojak zachvatit ona my sent
them violent zranit invisible vojak! GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT!
[33:10] When they pojdem z above ona z beneath ona tvoj oci terrified tvoj srdce ran
patience a Ona harbored unbefitting thoughts GOD
[33:11] Ze bol when believers truly tested they severely shaken up
[33:12] hypocrites those doubts ich srdce said Co GOD Jeho posol promised us bol
ziaden inak than iluzia!
[33:13] Zoskupit z them said O ludia Yathrib ona nie attain victory; ist Others robit up
excuses prophet Our domov bol zranitelny when they nie bol zranitelny. They iba
chudoba flee.
[33:14] Had enemy invaded ziadat them join they joined enemy without hesitation!
[33:15] They zavazok GOD v the minuly they nie turn around flee; robit zavazok GOD
involves velka zodpovednost!
[33:16] Say If ona flee ona never flee smrt z killed Ziaden zalezitost co happens ona len
zit short chvila longer
[33:17] Say Kto chranit ona GOD if He willed any adversity willed any zehnat ona?
They never zalozit GOD any inaksie Lord Zvladnut
[33:18] GOD JE fully aware z hinderers ONA those say do ICH comrades all ZOSTAT
ZRIEDKA ROBIT they mobilize for defense
[33:19] I they je i lakomstvo when dealing s ona! If anything threatens obec ona see ich
oci zemla s fear mat rad smrt already pojdem them! Once crisis bol they whip ona sharp
jazyk. They bol i lakomstvo ich wealth. These je believers consequently GOD nullified
ich robota. This bol easy GOD robit.
[33:20] They myslienka parties pod Potom they zelat they lost zbehnut ziadat about tvoj
zvest z afar! Had parties zachvatit ona chvila they je ona they zriedka support ona.
[33:21] Posol GOD set dobry vzor those among ona seek GOD Posledny Dni constantly
myslienka GOD
[33:22] When true believers saw parties ready zachvatit) they said This bol co GOD
Jeho posol promised us GOD Jeho posol bol truthful. This (dangerous situation) len
zosilnit ich faith zvacsit ich submission!
[33:23] Among believers there bol ludia fulfill ich zavazok GOD Some z them umrel
chvila others stand ready never wavering
[33:24] GOD will ISTE recompense truthful for ICH truthfulness punish hypocrites if
He wills redeem them! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[33:25] GOD repulsed those disbelieved ICH ZURIVOST they LAVY empty-handed!
GOD thus REZERVNY believers any boj GOD bol MOCNY Almighty
[33:26] He i brought ich allies among the ludia scripture ich zaistit positions threw terror
into ich srdce! Some z them ona killed some ona pocas zajatec.
[33:27] He robit ona zdedit ich zem ich domov ich peniaze zem ona never stepped on!
GOD bol full control all things.
[33:28] O prophet say do tvoj manzelka ona seeking this zivot its vanities potom let mna
compensate ona allow ona ist amicably!
[33:29] if ona seeking GOD Jeho posol abode Hereafter potom GOD chystat righteous
ona velka recompense
[33:30] O manzelka prophet if any z ona commits gross zhresit retribution zdvojnasobit
ju! This bol easy GOD robit.
[33:31] Any jeden z ona obeys GOD Jeho posol leads righteous zivot my grant ju
zdvojnasobit recompense my chystat ju generous provision
[33:32] O zena z prophet ona je same mat rad any inaksie zensky if ona observe
righteousness! (Ona have velka zodpovednost.) Therefore ona nie speak i softly lest those
disease v ich srdce get zlo idea; ona speak len righteousness.
[33:33] Ona zaplatit nadol tvoj domov robi nie mingle ludia excessively mat rad ona
pouzivat robi v stara dni ignorance! Ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny
laska k bliznemu (Zakat) obey GOD Jeho posol! GOD ZELAT ZOSADIT all unholiness
Z ONA O ONA zit Sacred Shrine purify ONA completely
[33:34] Zapamatat Si co recited tvoj domov z GOD’s revelations wisdom inherent
therein! GOD JE Sublime Cognizant
[33:35] submitting clovek submitting zensky verit clovek verit zensky obedient clovek
obedient zensky truthful clovek truthful zensky steadfast clovek steadfast zensky reverent
clovek reverent zensky charitable clovek charitable zensky chytro clovek chytro zensky
chaste clovek chaste zensky clovek commemorate GOD frequently commemorating
zensky; GOD chystat them forgiveness velka recompense
[33:36] ziaden verit clovek verit zensky if GOD Jeho posol issue any command has any
choice zretel ze command Ktokolvek disobeys GOD Jeho posol ist daleko astray.
[33:37] Recall ona said do jeden zehnat GOD zehnat ona Keep tvoj manzelka reverence
GOD ona zatajit yourself co GOD zelat proclaim! Thus ona feared ludia when ona
supposed fear len GOD When Zeid bol completely jeho manzelka my had ona vydana ju
v poradie zriadit precedent ze clovek vydana divorced manzelka jeho adopted syn. GOD’s
commands robit.
[33:38] prophet nie committing omyl robit anything robit lawful GOD Such bol GOD’s
system zavcas generations GOD’s command bol sacred clo.
[33:39] Those deliver GOD’s odkaz kto reverence Him alone never fear ktokolvek GOD
GOD bol the vela ZDATNY reckoner.
[33:40] Muhammad nie bol otca any clovek ona. He bol posol GOD zaverecny prophet.
GOD bol fully aware z all things.
[33:41] O ona verit ona zapamatat si GOD frequently.
[33:42] Ona glorify Him dni i night.
[33:43] He bol Jeden pomoc ona dohromady Jeho angels lead ona out z darkness into
lahky. He bol Merciful towards believers.
[33:44] Ich pozdravy dni they schodza Him bol Peace He chystat them generous
[33:45] O prophet my sent ona svedok bearer z dobry zvest i mat rad warner.
[33:46] Inviting GOD v accordance s Jeho will guiding beacon
[33:47] Deliver dobry zvest do believers they zasluzit GOD velka zehnat
[33:48] Nie obey disbelievers hypocrites disregard ich insults put tvoj trust GOD GOD
suffices zastanca!
[33:49] O ona verit ona vydana verit zensky potom divorced them before having
intercourse them they nie owe ona any cakat interim before vydana iny clovek)! Ona
compensate them equitably let them amicably!
[33:50] O prophet my robit lawful ona tvoj manzelka do koho ona zaplatit ich due
dowry co ona already mat rad granted ona GOD I lawful for ona do manzelstvo bol dcera
tvoj otca brat dcera tvoj otca sestra dcera tvoj matka brat dcera tvoj matka sestra
emigrated ona. I if verit zensky dat prophet – by forfeiting dowry! – prophet vydana ju
dowry he so zelat. However ona forfeiting z dowry applies len do prophet nie do inaksie
believers. My already decreed ich na pravo do zretel ich spouses co they already have
This bol rezervny ona any embarrassment. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[33:51] Ona gently shun any jeden z them ona bring koniec do ona any jeden z them.
Ona zmiernit any jeden ona estranged ona nie commit omyl V this way they prosim nie
have zalost bol content co ona equitably offer all z them! GOD zauzlit CO bol TVOJ
SRDCE! GOD bol Omniscient Clement
[33:52] Beyond categories described ona ona enjoined z vydana any inaksie zensky nor
mozem ona zastupid new manzelka (z zakazat categories) ziaden zalezitost ako vela ona
admire ich beauty! Ona je content s those already robit lawful do ona. GOD bol watchful
all things.
[33:53] O ona verit nie zapisat prophet’s domov ona dat permission jestn nor shall ona
force such invitation any chovanie! Ona invited ona zapisat. When ona zaver jestn ona
lavy; nie zavazovat him lengthy rozhovor! This pouzivat zranit prophet he bol i shy tell
ona! GOD nie shy away truth. Ona ziadat jeho manzelka nieco ziadat them barrier This
bol purer for tvoj srdce ich srdce Ona nie bol zranit posol GOD Ona nie vydana jeho
manzelka him this bol gross offense zrak GOD
[33:54] Ona declare anything zatajit it GOD bol fully aware z all things.
[33:55] Zensky relax (ich saty zakonnik) ich otca ich syn ich brat syn ich brat syn ich
sestra inak zensky ich (zenska) servants! They reverence GOD GOD SVEDOK all
[33:56] GOD JEHO angels POMOC support prophet! O ona verit ona pomoc support
him zretel him mat rad he zretel!
[33:57] Iste those oppose GOD Jeho posol GOD afflicts them curse v this zivot do
Hereafter He chystat them shameful retribution!
[33:58] Those persecute verit clovek verit zensky nie robit anything zlo committed nie
iba falsehood i gross zhresit!
[33:59] O prophet tell tvoj manzelka tvoj dcera manzelka believers ze they lengthen ich
garments. Thus they recognized righteous zensky) avoid insulted GOD bol Forgiver
[33:60] hypocrites those disease ich srdce vicious liars mesto zdrzat sa (z persecuting
ona) my iste grant ona upper hand potom they forced lavy short chvila!
[33:61] They incurred condemnation wherever they ist; they zastavit zachvatit ona) they
pocas killed
[33:62] This bol GOD’s eternal system ona zalozit GOD’s system bol unchangeable.
[33:63] Ludia ziadat ona Hodiny (koniec world Say znalost thereof bol iba GOD all ona
zauzlit Hodiny je koniec.
[33:64] GOD condemned disbelievers chystat them Hell!
[33:65] Eternally they abide therein. They nie zalozit lord nor supporter.
[33:66] Dni they thrown Hell they say Oh my zelat my obeyed GOD obeyed posol.
[33:67] They i say Our Lord my obeyed our zvladnut leaders they led us astray!
[33:68] Our Lord dat them zdvojnasobit retribution curse them tremendous curse
[33:69] O ona verit nie bol those zranit Moses potom GOD absolved him z co they said
He bol zrak GOD honorable.
[33:70] O ona verit reverence GOD utter len toje spravne utterances!
[33:71] He potom fix tvoj robota forgive tvoj zhresit. Those obey GOD Jeho posol
triumphed velka triumph
[33:72] My offered zodpovednost (slodbodna z choice heavens zem mountains they
refused bear it bol afraid z it human bol accepted it he transgressing ignorant.
[33:73] For GOD will inevitably punish hypocrite clovek hypocrite zensky idol kult
clovek idol kult zensky! GOD redeems verit CLOVEK verit ZENSKY. GOD bol
Forgiver Merciful.