Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Zivy Inventar (Al-An’am)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[6:1] Chvalit je GOD created heavens zem robit darkness lahky. those disbelieve v ich
Lord zotrvat deviate.
[6:2] He je Jeden created ona mud potom predetermined tvoj zivot span zivot span ze
zauzlit len do Him! Ona zotrvat doubt
[6:3] He bol 1 GOD heavens zem. He zauzlit tvoj secrets tvoj declarations He zauzlit
everything ona zarabat.
[6:4] Ziaden zalezitost co laskavy z proof pod them ich Lord they turn z it aversion.
[6:5] Since they zamietnut truth when it pojdem them they incurred consequences ich
[6:6] they nie seen ako vela generations them my annihilated My zriadit them zem inak
than my robi ona my lejak them blessings generously my zadovazit them flowing streams
My potom annihilated them ich zhresit my zastupid iny generation ich miesto.
[6:7] Vecer my sent them physical rezervovat si pisat on paper they touched it ich hands
those disbelieved said This bol ziaden inak than inteligentny kuzlo!
[6:8] They i said len angel pod him! Had my sent angel whole zalezitost zakoncit they
ziaden longer respited
[6:9] Had my sent angel my sent him form clovek my kept them iba mat rad zmateny
mat rad they zmateny teraz!
[6:10] Posol ona ridiculed bol those mocked them suffered consequences z ich
[6:11] Say Roam zem note consequences rejectors!
[6:12] Say “Do koho belongs everything heavens zem? Say “Do GOD He decreed
zlutovanie bol Jeho attribute He iste zvolat ona all Dni Vzkriesenie bol inevitable. Jeden
lose ich souls bol those disbelieve.
[6:13] Do Him belongs everything byvat do night dni! He bol Hearer Knower.
[6:14] Say Shall ja accept GOD mat rad Lord Zvladnut when He bol Initiator z heavens
zem He zivit nie zivit? Say ja commanded the vela devoted submitter nie bol idol
worshiper. ‘!
[6:15] Say ja fear if ja disobeyed moj Lord retribution awesome dni.
[6:16] Whoever rezervny (retribution) ze dni attained Jeho zlutovanie! this bol velka
[6:17] GOD touches ona adversity ziaden relieve it except He. A if He touches ona
zehnat He bol Omnipotent
[6:18] He bol Zvrchovany Jeho creatures. He bol the Vela Wise Cognizant
[6:19] Say testimony je velka? Say GOD’s He bol svedok mi ona ze this Quran
inspirovat mna preach it ona whomever it zastihnut! Indeed ona bear svedok there bol
inak gods GOD Say ja nie testify mat rad ona robit; there bol len jeden god ja disown tvoj
[6:20] Those my dat scripture recognize this mat rad they recognize ich own dieta.
Jeden lose ich souls bol those nie verit.
[6:21] Kto zly than jeden je laicky GOD zavrhnut Jeho revelations? transgressors never
[6:22] Dni when my zvolat them all my ziadat idol worshipers will idols ona je set
[6:23] Ich disastrous response je GOD our Lord my never bol idol worshipers.
[6:24] Note ako they lied do themselves a ako idols they invented zhyraly them!
[6:25] Some z them listen do ona my miesto zavoj ich srdce zamedzit them chapat
deafness v ich ears Thus ziaden zalezitost co laskavy z proof they see they nie verit! Thus
when they pojdem argue ona disbelievers say These bol tales minuly!
[6:26] They zapudit others z this (Quran) mat rad they zostat away z it thus they len
znicit without zbadat!
[6:27] Len ona see them when they face hellfire! They say potom Woe do us. Oh my
zelat my ist never zamietnut our Lord’s revelations join believers!
[6:28] Mat rad a zalezitost z fact, (they len say this ich secrets exposed they ist they
commit exactly same zlocin. They bol liars.
[6:29] They say (subconsciously) My zivy len this zivot; my nie resurrected
[6:30] Ona len see them when they stand ich Lord He say Je this nie truth? They say
Ano our Lord He say Ona incurred retribution tvoj disbelief.
[6:31] Losers indeed je those disbelieve schodza GOD Hodiny pojdem them zrazu
potom say My deeply regret pusty our zivot v this world They beriem loads ich zhresit
ich zadny; co chudobny load
[6:32] Zivot this world bol ziaden inak than iluzia vanity chvila abode Hereafter bol
daleko lepsie for the righteous. Ona nie chapat!?
[6:33] My zauzlit lenze ona saddened co they say Ona zauzlit lenze it nie bol ona ze
they zamietnut; it bol GOD’s revelations ze zlomyselny disregard
[6:34] Posol ona zamietnut they steadfastly persevered z rejection. They
persecuted our victory pojdem them. Such je GOD’s system never zmenit. history Moj
posol thus sets precedents ona.
[6:35] Ich rejection gets bol i vela ona ona zauzlit ze vecer ona dug tunnel zem climbed
ladder sky produced zazrak them (they still nie verit)! Had GOD willed He guided them
unanimously. Therefore nie behave mat rad ignorant jeden!
[6:36] Iba jeden do respond som those listen GOD resurrects dead they ultimately
spatny listok Him.
[6:37] They said len certain znamenie pod him jeho Lord Say GOD bol able do send
znamenie vela z them nie zauzlit!
[6:38] All creatures zem all birds letiet s kulisy bol obec ona. My nie lavy anything this
rezervovat si. Do ich Lord all these creatures zvolat.
[6:39] Those zamietnut our proofs bol deaf dumb v total darkness. Whomever GOD
wills He sends astray whomever He wills He leads straight chodnicek.
[6:40] Say Co if GOD’s retribution pojdem ona Hodiny pojdem ona ona implore GOD
ona bol truthful?
[6:41] fact je len Him ona implore He answers tvoj prayer if He wills ona zabudnut tvoj
[6:42] My sent (posol) obec ona my put them do test through adversity hardship they
[6:43] If len they implored when our test afflicted them! Radsej ich srdce hardened
devil zdobit ich robota ich oci.
[6:44] When they thus disregard odkaz dat them my je otvorene for them zavora z
everything. Potom iba mat rad they rejoice do co dat them my punish them zrazu; they
become utterly stunned
[6:45] Zlomyselny som thus annihilated Chvalit bol GOD Lord universe.
[6:46] Say Co if GOD pocas away tvoj hearing tvoj eyesight zapecatit tvoj zmyslanie;
kto god GOD restaurovat these ona? Note ako my explain revelations note ako they still
[6:47] Say Co if GOD’s retribution pojdem ona zrazu after announcement it nie
zlomyselny kto je incur annihilation?
[6:48] My nie send posol zachranca z dobry zvest i mat rad warners. Those verit reform
have nothing fear nor will they rmutit sa!
[6:49] Mat rad for those zamietnut our revelations they incur retribution ich wickedness.
[6:50] Say ja nie say do ona ze ja possess treasures GOD Nor robit ja zauzlit buduci.
Nor robit ja say do ona ja bol angel. Ja len nasledovat co revealed mna. Say je Bol blind
same mat rad seer? Ona nie zrkadlit?
[6:51] A preach this (Quran) do those reverence zvolat ich Lord – they have ziaden Him
mat rad Lord a Zvladnut nor intercessor! – Ze they attain salvation.
[6:52] Nie vypustit z hlavy those implore ich Lord dni i night, devoting Him alone Ona
nie bol zodpovedny for ich reckoning nor je they zodpovedny for tvoj reckoning Ona
vypustit z hlavy them ona bol transgressor.
[6:53] My thus test ludia by each inak, let them say (mockingly) Som these ludia us
zehnat GOD je Bol GOD nie aware z appreciative jeden?
[6:54] When those verit v our revelations pojdem ona ona say Salmun ‘Alaykum (Peace
bol ona). Tvoj Lord decreed zlutovanie bol Jeho attribute Thus ktokolvek among ona
commits transgression ignorance repents thereafter reforms potom He Forgiving
[6:55] My thus explain revelations point ways z the zlomyselny.
[6:56] Say ja zakazat z kult co ona kult GOD Say ja nie nasledovat tvoj nazor! Inak ja
ist astray nie guided
[6:57] Say ja have solid proof z moj Lord ona zamietnut it Ja nie control retribution ona
challenge mna bring Judgment belongs GOD alone He narrates truth He bol dobry judge
[6:58] Say If ja controlled retribution ona challenge mna bring whole zalezitost zakoncit
[6:59] S Him je kluc do all secrets; ziaden zauzlit them He. He zauzlit everything on
zem sea Nie leaf jesen Jeho znalost. Nor bol there zrno depths znecistit. Nor je there
anything zmacat dry ze nie zapisnica profound rekord!
[6:60] He je Jeden puts ona do smrt night zauzlit vecer mala z tvoj cin dni. He
resurrects ona kazdy rano tvoj zivot span fulfilled potom Him bol tvoj ultimate spatny
listok. He potom informovat ona z everything ona robit.
[6:61] He bol Zvrchovany Jeho creatures He appoints guards chranit ona! When
appointed cas smrt pojdem any z ona our posol put him smrt without oneskorenie.
[6:62] Potom everyone spatny listok GOD ich rightful Lord Zvladnut Absolutely He bol
ultimate judge He bol the vela accurate Reckoner.
[6:63] Say Kto save ona darkness z zem sea Ona implore Him loudly secretly He saves
us this cas my bol eternally appreciative
[6:64] Say GOD save ona this cas, inak cas i potom ona still set idols Him!
[6:65] Say He je istota able do pour upon ona retribution z above ona z beneath tvoj
nohy! He divide ona factions have ona chut each others’ tyranny! Note ako my explain
revelations they chapat!
[6:66] Tvoj ludia zamietnut this vecer it bol truth. Say ja je guardian over ona.
[6:67] Kazdy prophecy tu pojdem ist okolo ona will iste zalozit out!
[6:68] If ona see those mock our revelations ona avoid them they delve into iny subject
devil zapricinit ona zabudnut potom ona zapamatat si robi nie zasadat such zly ludia!
[6:69] righteous som nie zodpovedny utterances z those zaludnit it pomoc remind them;
perhaps they saved
[6:70] Ona disregard those berie ich nabozenstvo v vain mat rad bol social function
totally absorbed v this worldly zivot. Remind this (Quran) lest soul suffer consequences
its zly earnings It has ziaden GOD Lord a Zvladnut nor intercessor! it offer any laskavy z
ransom it nie accepted They suffer consequences zly robota they zarabat; they incurred
hellish pne painful retribution ich disbelief.
[6:71] Say my implore GOD Shall co nie possesses power benefit us zranit us turn our
heels GOD guided us? Potom my join those possessed devils rendered utterly zmateny
chvila ich znamy try save them ‘Zostat us ihned chodnicek ‘ Say GOD’s guidance je na
pravo guidance! My commanded submit Lord universe!
[6:72] Do observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) do reverence Him – He je 1 before koho ona
zvolat reckoning
[6:73] He je Jeden created heavens zem truthfully. Whenever He says Je it bol Jeho
word bol absolute truth. All sovereignty belongs do Him dni roh blown Knower z all
secrets declarations He bol the Vela Wise Cognizant
[6:74] Recall lenze Abraham said do jeho otca Azar Ako ona kult statues gods Ja see ze
ona tvoj ludia ist daleko astray.
[6:75] My showed Abraham marvels z heavens zem zehnat him certainty:
[6:76] When night fell he saw ziara planet Maybe this bol moj Lord he said When it
zmiznut he said ja nie zaluba gods zmiznut.
[6:77] When he saw moon vzostup he said Maybe this bol moj Lord When it zmiznut he
said moj Lord guides mna ja bol strayers.
[6:78] When he saw sun vzostup he said This bol moj Lord This bol velky. when it set
he said O moj ludia ja denounce tvoj idolatry.
[6:79] Ja devoted absolutely Jeden zasvatit heavens zem; ja never bol idol worshiper.
[6:80] Jeho ludia argued him. He said Robi ona argue mi GOD He guided mna? Ja have
fear z idols ona set Nothing happen mna unless moj Lord wills it Moj Lord’s znalost
encompasses all things. Ona nie berie heed
[6:81] Why ja fear tvoj idols? bol ona bol afraid since ona kult GOD idols je utterly
powerless pomoc ona! Kto strana je zasluzit si z zaruka if ona zauzlit?
[6:82] Those verit nie zhanobit ich belief idol kult zasluzit zdokonalit zaruka they truly
[6:83] Such bol our argument kto my supported Abraham jeho ludia. My exalt
whomever my robit higher ranks Tvoj Lord bol Wise Omniscient
[6:84] My granted him Isaac Jacob my guided both z them! Similarly my guided Noah
before ze, jeho descendants (my guided David Solomon Zamestnanie Joseph Moses
Aaron. My thus reward the righteous.
[6:85] I Zachariah Ahoj Jesus Elias all bol righteous.
[6:86] Ismail Elisha Jonah Lot; each z these MY distinguished all LUDIA.
[6:87] Z ich predok ich descendants ich siblings my zvolit si vela my guided them
straight chodnicek.
[6:88] Such bol GOD’s guidance kto He guides whomever He zvolit si Jeho servants.
any z them fallen idolatry ich robota nullified
[6:89] Those je the jeden my dat scripture wisdom prophethood. these ludia disbelieve
my zastupid others ich miesto new ludia nie bol disbelievers.
[6:90] These je jeden guided by GOD ona guided ich footsteps. Say ja nie ziadat ona
any wage This bol odkaz all ludia.
[6:91] They never valued GOD mat rad He valued Thus they said GOD nie reveal
anything any human bol Say Kto potom revealed scripture Moses brought kypry
guidance ludia? Ona put it nadol on paper proclaim it chvila zatajit a lot z it Ona taught
co ona never zauzlit – Ona tvoj rodicia. Say GOD bol 1 kto revealed it potom lavy them
ich heedlessness hraju!
[6:92] This i je zehnat scripture my revealed confirming previous scriptures ze ona warn
the vela dolezity obec all those around it Those verit v Hereafter verit v this (scripture)
observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat).
[6:93] Kto bol zly than 1 kto fabricates laicky attributes them GOD says ja received
divine inspiracia when ziaden such inspiracia dat him says ja pisat same mat rad GOD’s
revelations? len ona see transgressors smrt! angels extend ich hands do them saying Let
ist z tvoj souls. Dnes ona incurred shameful retribution for saying GOD truth a je i
arrogant accept Jeho revelations.
[6:94] Ona pod us individuum iba mat rad my created ona prvy cas ona vlavo co my
zadovazit for ona. My robi nie see ona intercessors ona idolized reklamacia ze they
pomoc ona! All puto ona severed idols ona set zhyraly ona!
[6:95] GOD JE JEDEN ZAPRICINIT ZRNO seeds LAMAT germinate! He produces
zivy dead dead z zivy. Such je GOD ako could ona deviate!
[6:96] Do lamat dawn He zapricinit rano emerge He robit night still He rendered sun
moon serve mat rad calculation devices Such bol zamer Almighty Omniscient
[6:97] A He je Jeden robit stars guide ona darkness on zem a on sea My thus clarify
revelations ludia zauzlit.
[6:98] He zasvatit ona 1 clovek decided tvoj chodnicek i mat rad tvoj zaverecny destiny.
My thus clarify revelations ludia chapat.
[6:99] He je Jeden sends sky zavlazit whereby my produce all laskavy z zasadit. My
produce zeleny latka multitudes complex zrno palm strom hanging clusters zahrada
grapes olives pomegranate; ovocie ze bol a podobne dissimilar Note ich ovocie mat rad
they grow ripen These som znamka ludia verit.
[6:100] they set GOD idols jinns He je Jeden created them. They vecer attribute do Him
syn dcera any znalost! He glorified He bol the Vela High daleko ich reklamovat.
[6:101] Initiator z heavens zem. Ako He mozem syn when He have never had mate He
created all things He bol fully aware z all things.
[6:102] Such je GOD tvoj Lord there nie bol god except He Creator all things! Ona kult
Him alone He bol do control z all things!
[6:103] Ziaden visions encompass Him He encompasses all visions! He bol
Compassionate Cognizant
[6:104] Enlightenments pojdem ona tvoj Lord Mat rad for those see they robit for ich
own dobry those turn blind robit so ich own detriment. Ja nie bol tvoj guardian
[6:105] My thus explain revelations prove lenze ona received znalost clarify them ludia
[6:106] Nasledovat co revealed ona tvoj Lord there nie bol god except He disregard idol
[6:107] Had GOD willed they nie kult idols. My nie appoint ona ich guardian nor bol
ona ich zastanca.
[6:108] Nie curse idols they set GOD lest they blaspheme curse GOD ignorance! My
zdobit robota z kazdy zoskupit do ich oci. Ultimately they spatny listok ich Lord potom
He informovat them z everything they robit.
[6:109] They swore GOD solemnly zazrak pojdem them they iste verit. Say Zazrak
pojdem len z GOD all ona zauzlit zazrak robit pojdem them they zotrvat disbelieve!
[6:110] My control ich zmyslanie ich srdce Thus since ich decision bol disbelieve my
lavy them ich transgressions blundering
[6:111] Vecer if my sent angels them; vecer dead spoke do them; vecer my zvolat kazdy
zazrak them; they nie verit unless GOD wills it Indeed vela z them bol ignorant.
[6:112] My permitted enemies kazdy prophet – human jinn devils – Do inspirovat each
inak zaluba words v poradie klamat! Had tvoj Lord willed they nie robit it Ona disregard
them ich fabrications.
[6:113] This bol let zmyslanie z those nie verit v Hereafter listen do such fabrications
accept them thus expose ich real convictions!
[6:114] Ja seek GOD zdroj zakon when He revealed ona this rezervovat si fully detailed
Those received scripture recognize it has revealed tvoj Lord truthfully. Ona nie harbor
any doubt
[6:115] word tvoj Lord je complete v truth justice Nothing abrogate Jeho words He bol
Hearer Omniscient
[6:116] Ona obey majority ludia zem they divert ona chodnicek GOD They nasledovat
len conjecture they len guess
[6:117] Tvoj Lord je fully aware z those stray Jeho chodnicek He je fully aware z those
[6:118] Ona jestn z ze upon kto GOD’s vola sa pronounced the face ona truly verit v Jeho
[6:119] Why ona nie jestn z ze upon kto GOD’s vola sa zmierit sa? He detailed ona co
zakazat ona unless ona forced Indeed vela ludia zmylit others ich personal nazor znalost.
Tvoj Lord bol fully aware z transgressors.
[6:120] Ona avoid zjavny zhresit i mat rad zatajit jeden. Those zarabat zhresit iste platit
for ich transgressions.
[6:121] Nie jestn z ze upon kto vola sa GOD nie zmierit sa it bol abomination! devils
inspirovat ich allies argue ona; ona obey them ona bol idol worshipers.
[6:122] 1 je dead my granted him zivot je zadovazit him kypry ze enables him move
among the ludia, equal do jeden total darkness z kto he never vychod? Robota
disbelievers thus zdobit ich oci.
[6:123] My allow leading zlocinec kazdy obec zapletka kut plany. they len zapletka kut
plany ich own souls without zbadat!
[6:124] When mocny proof pod do them they say My nie verit my dat co dat GOD’s
posol! GOD zauzlit exactly kto je dobre qualified deliver Jeho odkaz! Such zlocinec
suffer debasement GOD hrozny retribution consequence ich zly kut plany
[6:125] Whomever GOD wills guide He renders jeho chest siroky je otvorene do
Submission. whomever He wills send astray He renders jeho chest intolerant straitened
jeden climbs towards the sky GOD thus MIESTO curse upon those refuse verit
[6:126] This bol straight chodnicek tvoj Lord My explained revelations ludia berie heed
[6:127] They zasluzit abode peace ich Lord He bol ich Lord Zvladnut reward ich robota.
[6:128] Dni pojdem when He zvolat all z them says O ona jinns ona reklamacia
multitudes humans Ich human companions say Our Lord my enjoyed each others’ podnik
my pusty zivot span Ona set us He say Hell bol tvoj destiny They abide therein forever v
accordance s GOD’s will Tvoj Lord bol Wise Omniscient
[6:129] My thus zapalka zlomyselny bol companions z each inak, mat rad punishment
ich transgressions.
[6:130] O ona jinns humans ona nie receive posol z ona narrated ona Moj revelations
warned ona schodza this dni? They say My bear svedok ourselves. They totally
preoccupied worldly zivot they bear svedok themselves they bol disbelievers.
[6:131] This bol show ze tvoj Lord never annihilates any obec unjustly chvila its ludia
bol unaware!
[6:132] Everyone attain rank commensurate ich cin. Tvoj Lord je never unaware z
anything they robit.
[6:133] Tvoj Lord bol Zirny 1; possessor all zlutovanie. He wills He zosadit ona
zastupid whomever He wills tvoj miesto iba mat rad He produced ona progeny inak ludia.
[6:134] Co promised ona pojdem ist okolo ona never evade it
[6:135] Say O moj ludia robit tvoj dobre so will ja. Ona robit iste zalozit out kto
ultimate victors je. Istota zlomyselny will never succeed!
[6:136] They vecer set aside share GOD’s provisions z zozat zivy inventar saying This
share belongs do GOD ich reklamacia this share belongs do our idols. However co je set
aside ich idols never zastihnut GOD chvila share they set aside GOD invariably ist ich
idols! Chudobny indeed bol ich judgment
[6:137] Thus je idol worshipers duped ich idols extent killing ich own dieta. Skutocne
ich idols inflict velky pain them zmateny ich nabozenstvo them. Had GOD willed they
nie robit it Ona disregard them ich fabrications.
[6:138] They said These bol zivy inventar zozat ze zakazat; ziaden 1 jestn them
whomever my permit they reklamacia! They i zakazat riding certain zivy inventar. Vecer
zivy inventar they jestn they never pronounced GOD’s vola sa mat rad they sacrificed
them! Such je innovations attributed do Him. He iste requite them ich innovations.
[6:139] They i said Co je brucho z these zivy inventar rezervovat exclusively muzsky us
a zakazat our manzelka. bol still narodenie they permitted ich manzelka share therein. He
istota requite them ich innovations. He bol Wise Omniscient
[6:140] Losers indeed je those killed ich dieta foolishly ich lack znalost zakazat co GOD
has zadovazit for them nasledovat innovations attributed do GOD They ist astray; they
nie guided
[6:141] He bol Jeden zriadit zahrada trellised untrellised palm strom zozat inak chut
olives pomegranate! – Ovocie bol a podobne dissimilar Jestn ich ovocie dat due alms dni
zatva nie pusty anything! He nie laska wasters.
[6:142] Some zivy inventar zasoba ona transportation i mat rad zahon latka! Jestn
GOD’s provisions ona nie nasledovat steps Satan; he bol tvoj zapalisty enemy
[6:143] 8 laskavy zivy inventar 2 laskavy sheep 2 laskavy goats say Je it 2 muzsky He
zakazat 2 zena contents wombs 2 zena? Tell mna co ona zauzlit ona bol truthful!
[6:144] zretel 2 laskavy camels 2 laskavy cattle say Je it 2 muzsky He zakazat 2 zena
contents wombs 2 zena? Ona je svedok when GOD decreed such zakaz ona? Kto zly than
those invent such laicky je attribute them GOD They thus zmylit ludia znalost. GOD NIE
guide such ZLY LUDIA.
[6 Say ja nie zalozit revelations dat mna any food ze zakazat any eater (1) carrion (2)
running blood (3) meat pigs it contaminated (4) meat zviera blasphemously dedicated
GOD 1 forced jestn these) without je radit sa zlomyselny potom tvoj Lord bol Forgiver
[6:146] those kto Zidovsky my zakazat zviera undivided hoofs; z cattle sheep my
zakazat fat kto beriem ich zadny viscera mixed bones Ze je retribution ich transgressions
my bol truthful.
[6:147] they disbelieve ona potom say Tvoj Lord possesses infinite zlutovanie Jeho
retribution bol unavoidable for guilty ludia.
[6:148] idol worshipers say Had GOD willed my nie practice idolatry nor would our
rodicia nor would my zakazat anything. Thus robit those before them disbelieve until
they incurred our retribution! Say ona have any proven znalost ze ona show us? Ona
nasledovat nothing conjecture ona len guess
[6:149] Say GOD possesses the vela mocny argument; He wills He guide all z ona.
[6:150] Say Bring tvoj svedok testify GOD zakazat this ze. they testify robi nie testify
them! Nor shall ona nasledovat nazor z those zamietnut our revelations those disbelieve
Hereafter those stray away ich Lord
[6:151] Say Pojdem let mna tell ona co tvoj Lord skutocne zakazat ona Ona nie set idols
Him! Ona honor tvoj rodicia. Ona nie kill tvoj dieta z fear z chudoba! – My zadovazit for
ona a them. Ona nie commit gross zhresit zjavny zatajit Ona nie kill – GOD ROBIT
ZIVOT sacred – except v the course z justice These je Jeho commandments do ona ona
[6:152] Ona nie touch orphans’ peniaze except the vela righteous chovanie they
zastihnut maturity. Ona dat full weight full measure when ona zivnost equitably. My nie
burden any soul its znamenat. Ona je absolutely iba when ona bear svedok vecer tvoj
vztazny! Ona fulfill tvoj covenant GOD These je Jeho commandments do ona ze ona
berie heed
[6:153] This bol Moj chodnicek – straight 1. Ona nasledovat it nie nasledovat any inaksie
chodnicek lest they divert ona Jeho chodnicek. These je Jeho commandments do ona ona
[6:154] My dat Moses scripture complete lepsie commandments detailing everything
beacon zlutovanie ze they verit v schodza ich Lord
[6:155] This i je zehnat scripture ze my revealed ona nasledovat it lead righteous zivot
ze ona attain zlutovanie.
[6:156] Ihned ona ziaden longer say scripture sent nadol 2 zoskupit before us, my bol
unaware z ich teachings.
[6:157] Nor mozem ona say len scripture pod us my lepsi guided than they. proven
scripture has teraz pojdem ona tvoj Lord beacon zlutovanie! ihned kto zly than jeden je
zamietnut these proofs z GOD disregards them? My commit those disregard our proofs
chory retribution ich heedlessness.
[6:158] they cakat angels je pojdem them tvoj Lord some physical manifestations tvoj
Lord Dni this nie happens soul robit benefit z verit it nie verit before ze, nie zat benefits
belief leading righteous zivot! Say Keep cakat; my i cakat.
[6:159] Those divide sects robi nie belong ona! Ich judgment zvysok GOD potom He
informovat them z everything they robit.
[6:160] Whoever robit righteous robota receives reward 10 1 kto commits zhresit
requited len 1! Ziaden 1 suffers slightest injustice.
[6:161] Say Moj Lord guided mna straight chodnicek! – Zdokonalit nabozenstvo
Abraham monotheism. He never bol idol worshiper.
[6:162] Say Moj Zmluva Prayers (Salat) moj kult practices moj zivot moj smrt je all
devoted absolutely do GOD alone Lord universe!
[6:163] He has partner This bol co ja commanded verit ja bol prvy submit!
[6:164] Say ja seek GOD lord when He bol Lord all things? Ziaden soul benefits z its
own robota ziaden bears burden z iny Ultimately ona spatny listok tvoj Lord potom He
informovat ona all tvoj disputes
[6:165] He bol Jeden robit ona inheritors zem He chov some z ona others do rank v
poradie test ona v accordance s co He dat ona! Iste tvoj Lord bol zdatny v enforcing
retribution He bol Forgiver Merciful!