Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Prophets (Al-Anbya)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[21:1] Chytro zblizit sa je reckoning ludia they bol oblivious averse!
[21:2] When proof pod do them z ich Lord je new they listen do it heedlessly.
[21:3] Ich zmyslanie bol heedless. transgressors confer secretly Bol he nie iba human
bol ona? Ona accept kuzlo presented ona?
[21:4] He said Moj Lord zauzlit kazdy myslienka heaven zem. He bol Hearer
[21:5] They vecer said Hallucinations He robit it He bol poet! Let him show us zazrak
mat rad those z previous posol!
[21:6] My never annihilated verit obec v the minuly. Je these ludia believers?
[21:7] My nie send ona clovek my inspirovat. Ziadat those zauzlit scripture ona nie
[21:8] My nie dat them zbor jestn nor bol they immortal
[21:9] My fulfilled our promise them; my saved them dohromady whomever my willed
annihilated transgressors.
[21:10] My sent ona scripture containing tvoj odkaz. Ona nie chapat?
[21:11] Vela obec my zakoncit ich transgression my zastupid inak zaludnit ich miesto!
[21:12] When our requital pojdem ist okolo they zaciatok run
[21:13] Nie run pod tvoj luxuries tvoj rezidencia ona held accountable!
[21:14] They said Woe do us. My bol skutocne zlomyselny.
[21:15] This zotrvat je ich proclamation until my completely wiped them out.
[21:16] My nie create heavens zem everything them iba amusement.
[21:17] My needed amusement my zasvatit it any z this je co my chudoba robit.
[21:18] Radsej bol our plan support truth falsehood v poradie defeat it Woe do ona for
utterances ona utter
[21:19] Him belongs everyone heavens zem those do Him je never i arrogant kult Him
nor robit they vzdy waver
[21:20] They glorify night dni without vzdy tiring
[21:21] they zalozit gods zem create?
[21:22] If there bol them (heavens zem) inak gods GOD there bol chaos. Glory bol
GOD Lord absolute authority He bol high ich reklamovat.
[21:23] He bol never je ziadat about anything He chvila all others questioned
[21:24] they zalozit inak gods Him? Say Show mna tvoj proof This bol odkaz moj
generation consummating all previous odkaz. Indeed vela z them nie recognize truth; this
je they bol so hostile!
[21:25] My nie send any posol ona inspiracia There nie bol god except Mna ona kult
Mna alone
[21:26] lenze they said “The Vela Gracious begotten syn! Glory bol Him. All (posol)
bol (Jeho) honored servants.
[21:27] They never speak on ich own they strictly nasledovat Jeho commands
[21:28] He zauzlit ich buduci ich minuly. They nie intercede except for those already
accepted by Him a they znepokojit ich own krk.
[21:29] any z them reklamacia bol god Him my requite him Hell; my thus requite the
[21:30] unbelievers nie realize ze heaven zem pouzivat bol 1 solid mass ze my exploded
existence? Z zavlazit my robit all zivy things! they verit?
[21:31] My miesto zem stabilizers lest it tumbles them my miesto straight cesta therein
ze they guided
[21:32] My rendered sky guarded ceiling lenze they bol totally oblivious do all portents
[21:33] A He je Jeden created night dni sun moon each floating do its own orbit
[21:34] My never decreed immortality ktokolvek before ona; ona umrel je they
[21:35] Kazdy clovek chut smrt after my put ona test through adversity prosperity
potom do us ona ultimately spatny listok.
[21:36] When those disbelieve see ty, they ridicule ona Bol this jeden challenges tvoj
gods Zatial they zostat totally heedless z odkaz z the Vela Gracious.
[21:37] human bol bol impatient nature. Ja inevitably show ona Moj znamenie; nie bol
such ponahlajte sa.
[21:38] They challenge Kde ze (retribution ona je bol truthful?
[21:39] Len those disbelieve envision when they try zverenec zapalit – off ich faces ich
zadny! Ziaden 1 pomoc them potom.
[21:40] Indeed it pojdem them zrazu they utterly stunned They viem neither avoid it nor
mozem they receive any respite
[21:41] Posol ona ridiculed consequently those ridiculed them incurred retribution for
ich ridiculing!
[21:42] Say Kto chranit ona z the Vela Gracious night dni? Indeed they bol totally
oblivious do odkaz ich Lord
[21:43] they gods robit have chranit them z us? They nie vecer pomoc. Nor viem they
sprevadzat jeden iny when they zvolat face us!
[21:44] My have zadovazit for these ludia ich predok up stara vek! they nie see kazdy
dni zem brings them koniec koniec? they zvrat this process
[21:45] Say ja warning ona v accordance s divine inspiracia. deaf nie hear vola sa when
they warned
[21:46] When vzorka tvoj Lord’s retribution afflicts them they readily say My bol
indeed zlomyselny.
[21:47] My zriadit scales z justice Dni Vzkriesenie. Ziaden soul suffer maly injustice.
Vecer equivalent z mustard seed will je accounted for My bol the vela zdatny reckoners.
[21:48] My dat Moses Aaron Statute Kniha beacon reminder for the righteous!
[21:49] Jeden reverence ich Lord vecer when alone do ich privacy they znepokojit
[21:50] This i je zehnat reminder ze my sent nadol. Ona zapierat it
[21:51] Before ze, my granted Abraham jeho guidance chapat my bol fully aware z him.
[21:52] He said do jeho otca jeho ludia Co som these statues do kto ona devoting?
[21:53] They said My zalozit our rodicia kult them.
[21:54] He said Indeed ona tvoj rodicia ist totally astray.
[21:55] They said ona telling us truth ona hraju?
[21:56] He said Tvoj iba Lord bol Lord z heavens zem created them. This bol testimony
do kto ja bear svedok!
[21:57] Ja swear GOD ja have plan deal s tvoj statues ona lavy!
[21:58] He zlomit them into kusok except for velky jeden they refer it
[21:59] They said Whoever robit this our gods bol skutocne transgressor.
[21:60] They said My heard youth threaten them; he bol vola sa Abraham.
[21:61] They said Bring him oci all ludia they bear svedok!
[21:62] They said ona robit this our gods O Abraham?
[21:63] He said bol velky jeden robi it Ist ziadat them if they speak
[21:64] They pocas aback said do Indeed ona je the jeden transgressing!
[21:65] they reverted ich stara idea Ona zauzlit full lepsie ze these nie speak
[21:66] He said ona potom kult GOD Robit co nie possesses power benefit ona harm
[21:67] Ona incurred shame kult idols GOD Ona nie chapat?
[21:68] They said Burn him support tvoj gods this bol co ona decide robit!
[21:69] My said O zapalit bol chladny safe for Abraham!
[21:70] Thus they kut plany him my robit them losers!
[21:71] My saved him my saved Lot zem my zehnat all ludia!
[21:72] My granted him Isaac Jacob darcekove predmety my robit them both righteous!
[21:73] My robit them imams guided v accordance s our commandments my taught
them ako zavodny righteousness ako observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) zavazny laska k
bliznemu (Zakat)! Do us they devoted worshipers.
[21:74] Mat rad for Lot my granted him wisdom znalost my saved him z obec ze
practiced abominations; they bol zlomyselny zly ludia!
[21:75] My admitted him our zlutovanie he bol righteous.
[21:76] before ze, Noah vola sa my responded him. My saved him jeho rodina velka
[21:77] My supported him ludia zamietnut our revelations. They bol zly ludia my
drowned them all
[21:78] David Solomon when they once ruled zretel ktosi zozat ze znicit iny sheep my
svedok ich judgment
[21:79] My granted Solomon toje spravne chapat my endowed both z them s wisdom
znalost. My committed mountains serve David glorifying God i mat rad birds! This bol
co my robit.
[21:80] My taught him zrucnost robit chranit chranit ona do vojnovy! Je ona potom
[21:81] Solomon my committed zranit gusting blowing jeho disposal. He rezirovat it
mat rad he zelat whatever zem he zvolit si my zehnat such zem him. My bol fully aware
z all things.
[21:82] Z devils there bol those dive him zatva sea robit whatever he commanded them
robit! My committed them do jeho servis!
[21:83] Zamestnanie implored jeho Lord Adversity befallen mi z all merciful jeden Ona
bol the Vela Merciful!
[21:84] My responded him relieved jeho adversity restaurovat jeho rodina for him vecer
dva krat mat rad vela. Ze bol zlutovanie us reminder worshipers.
[21:85] I Ismail Idris Zal-Kifl; all bol steadfast chory.
[21:86] My admitted them our zlutovanie they bol righteous.
[21:87] Zan-Noon (Jonah 1 s ‘N’ do jeho vola sa zhyraly jeho mission do protest
myslienka my nie control him! He zakoncenie imploring darkness velky fish’s brucho
There nie bol god Ona. Ona glorified Ja committed gross zhresit.
[21:88] My responded him saved him z crisis; my thus save believers!
[21:89] Zachariah implored jeho Lord Moj Lord robi nie keep mna heir Ona je dobre
[21:90] My responded him granted him Ahoj; my fixed jeho manzelka him! they
pouzivat hasten zavodny righteousness implored us situations z radost i mat rad fear Do
us they bol reverent.
[21:91] Mat rad for 1 kto maintained ju virginity my blew ju our spirit thus my robit ju
ju syn portent the whole world
[21:92] Tvoj congregation je 1 congregation ja alone bol tvoj Lord ona kult Mna alone
[21:93] they divided disputing nabozenstvo. All z them pod us judgment
[21:94] Mat rad for those zavodny righteousness chvila verit ich zavodny nie ist pusty
my zapisnica it
[21:95] It zakazat any obec my annihilated spatny listok
[21:96] Nie Gog Magog reappear will they potom spatny listok! – they pojdem kazdy
[21:97] Je when inevitable prophecy pojdem ist okolo disbelievers stare do horror Woe
do us my bol oblivious! Indeed my bol zlomyselny.
[21:98] Ona idols ona kult besides GOD will je kurivo Hell; this bol tvoj inevitable
[21:99] those je gods they nie zakoncenie Hell. All its inhabitants abide it forever
[21:100] They sigh groan therein they nie have access do any zvest!
[21:101] Mat rad for those zasluzit our magnificent rewards they chranit z it
[21:102] They nie hear its hissing They enjoy abode kde they get everything they desire
[21:103] Velka horror nie znepokojit them angels receive them joyfully This bol tvoj
dni promised ona!
[21:104] Ze dni my zahyb heaven zahyb rezervovat si. Iba mat rad my zasvatit prvy
creation my repeat it This bol our promise my istota beriem it
[21:105] My decreed Zalm i mat rad inaksie scriptures lenze zem zdedit Moj righteous
[21:106] This bol proclamation ludia bol worshipers.
[21:107] My sent ona zlutovanie us the whole world
[21:108] Proclaim ja dat divine inspiracia tvoj god bol 1 god Ona potom submit?
[21:109] they turn potom say ja warned ona sufficiently ja nie have idea ako skoro
neskoro (retribution) pojdem ona!
[21:110] He je fully aware z tvoj public utterances He je fully aware z everything ona
[21:111] all ja zauzlit this world bol test ona temporary enjoyment.
[21:112] Say Moj Lord Tvoj judgment bol absolute justice Our Lord je the Vela
Gracious; len Jeho pomoc sought v the face z tvoj reklamovat.