Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Spoils z Vojnovy (Al-Anfal)!
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[8:1] They consult ona about spoils vojnovy. Say The! spoils z vojnovy belong do GOD
posol. Ona observe GOD exhort jeden iny bol righteous obey GOD Jeho posol ona bol
[8:2] true believers bol those srdce zachviet sa when GOD zmierit sa when Jeho
revelations recited them ich faith zosilnit they trust ich Lord
[8:3] They observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) z our provisions do them they dat laska k
[8:4] Such som true believers. They attain high ranks ich Lord i mat rad forgiveness
generous provision
[8:5] Potom tvoj Lord willed ze ona lavy tvoj domov fulfill specific plan some believers
became exposed mat rad reluctant believers!
[8:6] They argued ona truth vecer everything explained them. They cin mat rad they
driven certain smrt.
[8:7] Recall lenze GOD promised ona victory certain zoskupit ona still chudoba face
chaby zoskupit! bol GOD’s plan zriadit truth Jeho words defeat disbelievers.
[8:8] He decreed ze truth prevail falsehood zmiznut evildoers.
[8:9] Thus when ona implored tvoj Lord pojdem zachranit He responded ona ja
supporting ona 1000 angels v succession.
[8:10] GOD DAT ONA this DOBRY zvest ZOSILNIT TVOJ SRDCE. Victory pojdem
len z GOD GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[8:11] He zapricinit peaceful spat overtake ona pacify ona He sent zavlazit sky cisty ona
therewith. He chranit ona devil’s curse reassured tvoj srdce zosilnit tvoj foothold!
[8:12] Recall ze tvoj Lord inspirovat angels ja bol ona support those verit Ja throw terror
srdce z those disbelieved Ona strike them krk ona strike vecer kazdy finger
[8:13] This bol co they justly incurred boj GOD Jeho posol! For those boj GOD Jeho
posol GOD’s retribution bol severe.
[8:14] This bol punish disbelievers; they incurred retribution Hell.
[8:15] O ona verit ona encounter disbelievers mobilized ona nie turn flee!
[8:16] Ktokolvek turns lenze dni beriem battle plan join jeho zoskupit incurred zloba
GOD jeho abode bol Hell; co chudobny destiny!
[8:17] Nie bol ona killed them; GOD je Jeden killed them. Nie bol ona threw when ona
threw; GOD je Jeden threw. He thus dat believers chance zarabat a lot z credit GOD bol
Hearer Omniscient
[8:18] Additionally GOD thus nullifies kut plany disbelievers.
[8:19] Ona sought victory O disbelievers) victory robit pojdem; it belonged do
believers! Ona zdrzat sa aggression) bol lepsie ona ona spatny listok so will my. Tvoj
armies never pomoc ona ziaden zalezitost ako velky For GOD bol believers!
[8:20] O ona verit obey GOD Jeho posol nie disregard him chvila ona hear
[8:21] Nie bol those say My hear when they nie hear
[8:22] Zly creatures zrak GOD bol deaf dumb kto nie chapat
[8:23] Had GOD zauzlit z any dobry do them He robit them hearers! Vecer if He robit
them hearers they still turn aversion!
[8:24] O ona verit ona respond GOD posol when he invites ona co dat ona zivot! Ona
zauzlit lenze GOD bol koniec do ona than tvoj srdce a ze before Him ona zvolat.
[8:25] Beware z retribution nie limited evildoers ona! Ona zauzlit lenze GOD’s
retribution bol severe.
[8:26] Zapamatat Si ona pouzivat bol few oppressed fearing ze ludia chmatnut ona He
granted ona zaistit sanctuary supported ona Jeho victory zadovazit ona dobry provisions
ona bol appreciative
[8:27] O ona verit nie zradit GOD posol nie zradit those trust ona ihned ze ona zauzlit!
[8:28] Ona zauzlit ze tvoj peniaze tvoj dieta bol test GOD possesses velky recompense
[8:29] O ona verit ona reverence GOD He enlighten ona remit tvoj zhresit forgive ona!
GOD possesses infinite grace
[8:30] disbelievers zapletka kut plany neutralize ona kill ona banish ona! However they
zapletka kut plany so robit GOD GOD JE LEPSIE schemer.
[8:31] When our revelations recited them they say My heard If my chudoba my said
same things! These je ziaden inak than tales z minuly!
[8:32] They i said Our god this je skutocne truth Ona potom lejak us rocks sky pour us
painful punishment!
[8:33] GOD nie bol punish them chvila ona bol ich midst; GOD nie bol punish them
chvila they seeking forgiveness!
[8:34] Have they nie zasluzit si GOD’s retribution by zapudit others Sacred Masjid vecer
though they nie bol custodians thereof? true custodians thereof som righteous vela z them
nie zauzlit.
[8:35] Ich Zmluva Prayers (Salat) shrine (Ka bah) je ziaden inak than mockery vyznam
zapudit ludia zhluk them out)! Therefore suffer retribution tvoj disbelief!
[8:36] Those disbelieve spend ich peniaze zapudit others way GOD They spend it
potom it turn into zalost remorse them. Ultimately they defeated all disbelievers zvolat do
[8:37] GOD will sift away ZLY Z DOBRY POTOM pile ZLY on top z each inak, all
DO 1 pile POTOM throw it Hell! Such bol losers.
[8:38] Tell those disbelieved they zastavit all ich minuly forgiven! Lenze if they spatny
listok they incur same fate ich previous counterparts.
[8:39] Ona boj them zverenec oppression practice tvoj nabozenstvo devoted do GOD
alone they zdrzat sa aggression potom GOD je fully Seer z everything they robit.
[8:40] they turn potom ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol tvoj Lord Zvladnut; dobry Lord
Zvladnut lepsie supporter!
[8:41] Ona zauzlit lenze ona zisk any spoils vojnovy one-fifth ist GOD posol dat
vztazny orphans chudobny cestovat alien Ona robit this ona verit v GOD v co my
revealed our servant dni decision dni 2 armies clashed GOD bol Omnipotent
[8:42] Recall lenze ona je valley chvila they bol inaksie strana! Potom ich caravan move
znizenie ground Had ona planned it this way ona nie robit it GOD bol beriem
predetermined zalezitost whereby those destined annihilated annihilated zjavny reason
those destined saved saved zjavny reason GOD bol Hearer Omniscient
[8:43] GOD robit them ZDAT SA TVOJ dream O Muhammad) fewer DO zvazok Had
He robit them zdat sa numerous ona zlyhat ona disputed yourselves! GOD saved
situation. He bol Knower innermost thoughts.
[8:44] A when cas pojdem ona faced them He robit them zdat sa fewer tvoj oci robit ona
zdat sa fewer ich oci i! For GOD willed beriem certain plan All decisions robit GOD
[8:45] O ona verit when ona encounter army ona hold chytro commemorate GOD
frequently ze ona succeed.
[8:46] Ona obey GOD Jeho posol a nie dispute yourselves lest ona zlyhat scatter tvoj
strength! Ona steadfastly persevere GOD bol those steadfastly persevere
[8:47] Nie bol those lavy ich domov grudgingly iba show skutocne zastrasit others
nasledovat chodnicek GOD GOD JE fully aware z everything they ROBIT.
[8:48] devil zdobit ich robota ich oci said Ona nie defeated any ludia dnes ja boj ona.
mat rad skoro mat rad 2 armies faced each inak, he turned jeho heels fled saying ja
disown ona! Ja see co ona nie see Ja bol afraid z GOD GOD’s retribution bol awesome.
[8:49] hypocrites those harbored doubt ich srdce said These ludia klamat ich
nabozenstvo. if jeden puts jeho trust GOD potom GOD bol Almighty Wise!
[8:50] Ona len see those disbelieved when angels put them smrt! They beat them ich
faces ich vztycit koniec Chut retribution Hell.
[8:51] This bol consequence co tvoj hands sent forth GOD bol never unjust towards
[8:52] This bol same fate ze z Pharaoh’s zaludnit those disbelieved them! They
zamietnut GOD’s revelations GOD punished them for ich zhresit. GOD bol MOCNY
JEHO retribution bol severe.
[8:53] GOD NIE ZMENIT ZEHNAT He bestowed any LUDIA they decide ZMENIT!
GOD bol Hearer Omniscient
[8:54] Such bol puzdro ludia z Pharaoh others them. They prvy zamietnut znamenie ich
Lord Consequently my annihilated them ich zhresit. My drowned Pharaoh’s zaludnit;
zlomyselny consistently punished
[8:55] Zly creatures zrak GOD bol those disbelieved they nie verit.
[8:56] Ona zastihnut dohoda them they znasilnit ich dohoda kazdy cas; they nie bol
[8:57] Therefore if ona encounter them do vojnovy ona set them mat rad deterrent vzor
those pojdem them ze they berie heed
[8:58] When ona zradit zoskupit z zaludnit ona mobilize them same chovanie! GOD
NIE LASKA betrayers.
[8:59] Let nie those disbelieve myslienka they get it they never escape
[8:60] Ona chystat them all power ona muster all naradie ona mobilize lenze ona lakat
enemies GOD tvoj enemies i mat rad others kto nie zauzlit do ona; GOD zauzlit them!
Whatever ona spend zapricinit z GOD will repaid ona generously maly injustice.
[8:61] they vyletne miesto peace shall ona put tvoj trust GOD He bol Hearer Omniscient
[8:62] they chudoba klamat ona potom GOD will suffice ona! He pomoc ona s Jeho
support a s believers.
[8:63] He zmiernit srdce believers). Had ona spent all peniaze zem ona nie zmiernit ich
srdce. GOD robi zmiernit them! He bol Almighty Wise.
[8:64] O ona prophet sufficient ona bol GOD believers nasledovat ona.
[8:65] O ona prophet ona exhort believers boj. there bol 20 z ona bol steadfast they
defeat 200 sto z ona defeat 1000 z those disbelieved Ze je they je zaludnit kto nie chapat!
[8:66] Ihned (ze vela new ludia joined ona) GOD robit it easier ona He zauzlit ona je
mat rad strong mat rad ona pouzivat bol Henceforth sto steadfast believers defeat 200
1000 z ona defeat 2000 GOD’s odist. GOD bol those steadfastly persevere
[8:67] Ziaden prophet acquire zajatec he participates do the boj Ona zaludnit seeking
latka this world chvila GOD zastanca Hereafter GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[8:68] Je for predetermined decree z GOD ona suffered on zisk z co ona berie hrozny
[8:69] Therefore jestn spoils ona zarabat lenze kto bol lawful dobry observe GOD GOD
bol Forgiver Merciful.
[8:70] O ona prophet tell zajatec vojnovy tvoj hands GOD zauzlit z anything dobry do
tvoj srdce He dat ona lepsie than anything ona lost forgiven ona. GOD bol Forgiver
[8:71] A if they chudoba zradit ona they already zradit GOD This why He robit them
losers. GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[8:72] Iste those verit emigrated strove ich peniaze ich zivot v zapricinit GOD i mat rad
those kto hosted them dat them refuge supported them they je allies z 1 iny Mat rad for
those verit robi nie emigrate ona ona nie owe them any support until they emigrate!
However if they need tvoj pomoc brethren faith ona pomoc them ludia koho ona znamka
peace treaty. GOD bol Seer Z everything ONA ROBIT!
[8:73] Those disbelieved je allies z 1 iny Ona keep these commandments there bol chaos
zem hrozny corruption.
[8:74] Those verit emigrated strove zapricinit GOD i mat rad those kto hosted them dat
them refuge supported them these som true believers! They zasluzit forgiveness
generous recompense
[8:75] Those verit afterwards emigrated strove ona they belong ona! Those je related do
each inak je prvy support each inak, v accordance s GOD’s commandments. GOD bol
fully aware z all things.