Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Dieta z Izrael (Bani Izrael)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[17:1] glorified je Jeden zvolat Jeho servant (Muhammad) night Sacred Masjid Mecca)
do daleko miesto z prostration surroundings my zehnat v poradie show him some z our
znamenie! He bol Hearer Seer.
[17:2] Similarly my dat Moses scripture rendered it beacon Dieta Izrael ze Ona nie set
any idol Lord Zvladnut Mi
[17:3] They bol descendants z those my beriem Noah; he bol appreciative servant.
[17:4] My addressed Dieta Izrael scripture Ona commit gross zlo zem dva krat Ona
destined jesen velka heights arrogance.
[17:5] When prvy cas pod ist okolo my send ona servants z ours possess velka might
they invade tvoj domov! This bol prophecy pojdem ist okolo!
[17:6] Afterwards my dat ona turn over them zasoba ona a lot z wealth dieta; my dat ona
upper hand
[17:7] Ona zavodny righteousness ona zavodny righteousness tvoj own dobre if ona
commit zly ona robit so tvoj own detriment. Thus when 2 cas pojdem ist okolo they
defeat ona zapisat masjid iba mat rad they robit prvy cas They wipe out all zisk ona
[17:8] Tvoj Lord lejak ona Jeho zlutovanie. Ona revert transgression my counter
retribution. My designated Gehenna zaverecny abode disbelievers.
[17:9] This Quran guides lepsie chodnicek brings dobry zvest do believers lead
righteous zivot ze they zasluzit velka recompense
[17:10] Mat rad for those disbelieve Hereafter my chystat them painful retribution.
[17:11] human bol casto prays nieco zranit him myslienka he praying nieco dobry.
human bol bol impatient
[17:12] My rendered night dni 2 znamenie. My robit night dark dni lighted ze ona seek
provisions tvoj Lord therein. This i zriadit ona timing system vyznam calculation! My
thus explain everything v detail
[17:13] My zapisnica fate kazdy human bol it puto jeho krk. Dni Vzkriesenie my hand
him rekord bol accessible.
[17:14] Read tvoj own rekord! Dnes ona suffice tvoj own reckoner.
[17:15] Whoever guided guided jeho own dobry whoever ist astray robi so jeho own
detriment! Ziaden sinner bear zhresit z ktokolvek inak. My never punish 1 sending posol.
[17:16] My je annihilate any obec my let leaders commit vast corruption therein! Once
they zasluzit retribution my annihilate it completely
[17:17] Vela generation have my annihilated Noah. Tvoj Lord bol zdatny v dealing s
zhresit Jeho servants; He bol fully Cognizant Seer!
[17:18] Ktokolvek zvolit si this fleeting zivot jeho priority my rush him co my decide
dat him potom my commit him Gehenna he suffers forever despised defeated
[17:19] Mat rad for those zvolit si Hereafter mat rad ich priority zavodny righteousness
chvila verit ich efforts appreciated
[17:20] For each jeden z them my zadovazit; my zadovazit for those these tvoj Lord’s
bounties. Tvoj Lord’s bounties bol inexhaustible
[17:21] Note ako my mat radsej some ludia others v this zivot)! differences Hereafter
bol daleko velka daleko significant.
[17:22] Ona nie set any inaksie god GOD lest ona koniec despised disgraced
[17:23] Tvoj Lord decreed ona nie kult except Him tvoj rodicia honored Mat rad long
mat rad 1 both z them zit ona never say do them Uff slightest gesture annoyance) nor
shall ona shout them; ona treat them amicably.
[17:24] A znizenie for them kulisy humility laskavost say Moj Lord have zlutovanie
them they chov mna infancy!
[17:25] Tvoj Lord bol fully aware z tvoj innermost thoughts. Ona maintain
righteousness He bol Forgiver z those repent
[17:26] Ona dat due alms vztazny chudobny chudobny cestovat alien nie bol excessive
[17:27] extravagant som brethren devils devil bol unappreciative z jeho Lord
[17:28] Vecer if ona turn them ona pursue zlutovanie z tvoj Lord ona treat them nicest
[17:29] Ona nie keep tvoj hand stingily puto tvoj krk nor shall ona foolishly je otvorene
it up lest ona koniec blamed a sorry
[17:30] Tvoj Lord zvacsit provision ktokolvek He zvolit si reduces it He bol fully
Cognizant z Jeho creatures Seer.
[17:31] Ona nie kill tvoj dieta due do fear z chudoba! My zadovazit for them i ona.
Killing them bol gross offense
[17:32] Ona shall commit adultery; it bol gross zhresit zly chovanie!
[17:33] Ona nie kill any clovek – for GOD robit zivot sacred! – except v the course z
justice Jeden killed unjustly potom my dat jeho heir authority enforce justice Thus he nie
exceed limits avenging zavrazdit; he pomoc.
[17:34] Ona nie touch orphans’ peniaze except for ich own dobry until they zastihnut
maturity. Ona fulfill tvoj covenants covenant bol velka zodpovednost.
[17:35] Ona dat full measure when ona zivnost weigh equitably! This je lepsie a
[17:36] Ona nie accept any informacia ona verify it yourself. Ja dat ona hearing eyesight
inteligencia ona bol zodpovedny for pouzivat them.
[17:37] Ona nie chodza proudly zem – Ona nie bore zem nor mozem ona bol mat rad tall
mat rad mountains.
[17:38] All zly chovanie condemned tvoj Lord
[17:39] This bol some z wisdom inspirovat do ona tvoj Lord Ona nie set iny god GOD
lest ona koniec Gehenna blamed defeated
[17:40] Tvoj Lord dat ona chlapec Has chvila dat angels dcera!? Ako ona utter such
[17:41] My cited v this Quran all laskavy z vzor) ze they berie heed it iba zvacsit ich
[17:42] Say there bol any inak gods Him mat rad they reklamacia they tried zvratit
Possessor throne
[17:43] He glorified He bol vela i exalted daleko above ich utterances.
[17:44] Glorifying Him bol 7 universes zem everyone them! There bol nothing nie
glorify Him ona nie chapat ich glorification! He bol Clement Forgiver.
[17:45] When ona read Quran my miesto ona those nie verit v Hereafter invisible barrier
[17:46] My miesto chranit ich zmyslanie zamedzit them z chapat it deafness ich ears A
when ona preach tvoj Lord pouzivat Quran alone they run aversion.
[17:47] My je fully aware z co they hear when they listen do ona when they conspire
secretly – disbelievers say Ona nasledovat crazy clovek.
[17:48] Note ako they describe ona ako this zapricinit them stray off chodnicek!
[17:49] They said After my turn into bones zlomok my get resurrected znova!?
[17:50] Say Vecer ona turn into rocks zelezo!
[17:51] Vecer ona turn into any laskavy z creation ze ona deem nemozne. They potom
say Kto bring us zadny? Say Jeden created ona v the 1 miesto, They potom shake ich
riaditel say When will je? Say bol koniec than ona myslienka!
[17:52] Dni He zvolat ona ona respond by chvalit Him ona potom realize lenze ona
posledny v this zivot short chvila!
[17:53] Tell Moj servants treat each inak dobry possible chovanie devil vzdy try drive
wedge them! Iste devil je clovek zapalisty enemy
[17:54] Tvoj Lord zauzlit ona lepsie! Jeho znalost He lejak ona s zlutovanie, He requite
ona. My nie send ona bol ich zastanca.
[17:55] Tvoj Lord je lepsie knower z everyone do heavens zem. V accordance s this
znalost my mat radsej some prophets others. For vzor, my dat David Zalm.
[17:56] Say Implore whatever idols ona set Him. They have power relieve tvoj
afflictions nor mozem they zamedzit them!
[17:57] Vecer idols they implore seeking ways lakomstvo ich Lord They pray Jeho
zlutovanie fear Jeho retribution. Iste retribution tvoj Lord bol dreadful.
[17:58] There nie bol obec my nie annihilate Dni Vzkriesenie inflict severe retribution
them! This already pisat rezervovat si.
[17:59] Co zarazit us z sending zazrak bol ze previous generations zamietnut them! For
vzor, my showed Thamoud camel profound (zazrak) they transgressed it My sent zazrak
len instill reverence
[17:60] My informovat ona ze tvoj Lord fully controls ludia my rendered vision ze my
showed ona test ludia strom bol accursed Quran! My showed them solid proofs instill
reverence them this iba zvacsit ich defiance!
[17:61] When my said do angels, Jesen prostrate Adam they fell prostrate Satan. He said
ja prostrate 1 Ona Shall created mud
[17:62] He said Since Ona honored him mna Ona respite mna Dni Vzkriesenie ja
possess all jeho descendants a few
[17:63] He said Potom ist; ona those nasledovat ona koniec Hell tvoj requital; equitable
[17:64] Ona entice them tvoj voice mobilize all tvoj forces all tvoj clovek them share v
ich peniaze dieta promise them! Anything devil promises bol ziaden inak than iluzia.
[17:65] Mat rad for Moj servants ona have power them. Tvoj Lord suffices zastanca!
[17:66] Tvoj Lord je Jeden zapricinit ships float ocean ze ona seek Jeho bounties! He
bol Merciful towards ona.
[17:67] Ona afflicted sea ona zabudnut tvoj idols sincerely implore Him alone mat rad
skoro mat rad He saves ona shore ona revert Indeed human bol bol unappreciative.
[17:68] Ona zaruka ze He Have nie zapricinit zem shore zhltnut ona? Al ze He nie send
ona tempest potom ona nie zalozit protector?
[17:69] Ona zaruka He Have nie spatny listok ona sea znova potom send ona storm
drowns ona tvoj disbelief? Once this happens my nie dat ona iny chance
[17:70] My honored dieta Adam zadovazit them rides on zem do sea My zadovazit for
them dobry provisions my dat them velka advantages than vela z our creatures.
[17:71] Dni pojdem when my zvolat kazdy ludia dohromady ich rekord. Mat rad for
those dat rekord righteousness they robit read ich zapisnica nie suffer maly injustice!
[17:72] Mat rad for those je blind v this zivot they je blind Hereafter vecer a lot zly
[17:73] They skoro diverted ona revelations my dat ona. They chudoba ona fabricate
nieco inak, v poradie consider ona znamy!
[17:74] If nie bol my zosilnit ona ona skoro leaned them iba a maly kusok!
[17:75] Had ona robit lenze my zdvojnasobit retribution ona v this zivot after smrt ona
zalozit ziaden 1 pomoc ona us!
[17:76] They skoro banished ona zem zrusit ona they revert ona lavy!
[17:77] This bol consistently puzdro all posol my sent ona ona zalozit ze our system
never zmenit!
[17:78] Ona observe Zmluva Prayer (Salat) when sun declines z its highest point o noon
it moves zapad slnka. Ona i observe (recitation Quran o dawn Reciting Quran o dawn
[17:79] night ona meditate extra credit ze tvoj Lord chov ona honorable rank
[17:80] say Moj Lord admit mna honorable admittance let mi depart honorable odchod
grant mna Ona mocny support
[17:81] Proclaim truth prevailed falsehood zmiznut; falsehood inevitably zmiznut!
[17:82] My send nadol Quran healing zlutovanie believers. O the same cas, it len zvacsit
wickedness transgressors.
[17:83] When my zehnat human bol he becomes preoccupied heedless. when adversity
strikes him he turns despondent
[17:84] Say Everyone robota v accordance s jeho belief tvoj Lord zauzlit dobre kto
jeden guided na pravo chodnicek!
[17:85] They ziadat ona revelation. Say revelation pojdem moj Lord Znalost dat ona je
[17:86] My will my berie co my revealed ona potom ona nie zalozit protector us.
[17:87] This bol zlutovanie tvoj Lord Jeho blessings ona bol velky
[17:88] Say If all humans all jinns banded dohromady v poradie produce Quran this they
never produce anything it ziaden zalezitost ako vela assistance they lent 1 iny
[17:89] My cited ludia v this Quran all laskavy z vzor vela ludia insist upon disbelieving
[17:90] They said My nie verit ona ona zapricinit jaro gush ground
[17:91] Al unless ona own zahrada z datum palms grapes rieka running through it
[17:92] Al unless ona zapricinit masses sky ona reklamacia jesen us! Al unless ona
bring GOD angels our oci.
[17:93] Al unless ona own luxurious rezidencia al ona climb sky Vecer if ona climb my
nie verit ona bring rezervovat si my viem read Say Glory bol moj Lord Je ja any inak
than human posol?
[17:94] Co zamedzit ludia z verit when guidance pojdem them ich saying je GOD send
human bol posol?
[17:95] Say If zem inhabited angels my sent nadol them sky angel posol!
[17:96] Say GOD suffices mat rad svedok mi ona. He bol fully Cognizant z Jeho
worshipers Seer.
[17:97] Whomever GOD guides the truly guided jeden. A whomever He sends astray
ona never zalozit them any lords zvladnut Him. My zvolat them Dni Vzkriesenie
forcibly; blind dumb deaf! Ich destination bol Hell; whenever it chladny my zvacsit ich
[17:98] Such je ich iba retribution since they zamietnut our revelations. They said After
my turn into bones zlomok my resurrected new creation?
[17:99] they nie see GOD created heavens zem bol able do create same creations? (Ze)
He predetermined them irrevocable zivot span disbelievers insist upon disbelieving
[17:100] Proclaim If ona possessed moj Lord’s treasures zlutovanie ona withheld them
fearing ona exhaust them! human bol bol lakomstvo.
[17:101] My supported Moses 9 profound zazrak – Ziadat Dieta Izrael! When he ist
them Pharaoh said do him ja myslienka ona Moses bewitched
[17:102] He said Ona zauzlit full lepsie ze ziaden 1 manifest these obviously Lord z
heavens zem. Ja myslienka ona Pharaoh doomed
[17:103] When he pursued them mat rad he chased them zem my drowned him
dohromady those strana him all z them.
[17:104] My said do Dieta Izrael afterwards Ist zit this zem. When zaverecny prophecy
pojdem ist okolo my zvolat ona all 1 zoskupit!
[17:105] Truthfully my sent it nadol truth it pod My nie send ona bearer z dobry zvest i
mat rad warner.
[17:106] Quran my released slowly v poradie ona read it ludia long period my sent it
nadol all o once
[17:107] Proclaim Verit v it nie verit v it Those possess znalost previous scriptures
when it recited them they jesen nadol ich chins prostrating!
[17:108] They say Glory bol our Lord This fulfills our Lord’s prophecy.
[17:109] They jesen ich chins prostrating weeping for it zvacsit ich reverence
[17:110] Say Vola Sa Him GOD vola sa Him the Vela Gracious; ktorykolvek vola sa
ona pouzivat Him belongs dobry vola. sa. Ona nie utter tvoj Zmluva Prayers (Salat) i
loudly nor secretly; pouzivat moderate tone
[17:111] proclaim Chvalit je do GOD kto never begotten syn nor robit He have partner
Jeho kingship nor robit He need any ally weakness zvacsovat Him constantly!