Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Feast (Al-Ma’edah)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[5:1] O ona verit ona fulfill tvoj covenants Permitted ona jestn som zivy inventar except
those specifically zakazat tu! Ona nie permit lapat Hajj pilgrimage GOD decrees
whatever He wills.
[5:2] O ona verit nie znasilnit rites zriadit GOD nor Sacred Mesiac nor zviera offered
nor garlands zatrhnut them nor ludia riaditel for Sacred Shrine (Ka bah) seeking blessings
z ich Lord approval Once ona complete pilgrimage ona lapat. Nie provoked aggression
tvoj hatred ludia kto once zamedzit ona z ist Sacred Masjid! Ona cooperate zalezitost z
righteousness piety; nie cooperate zalezitost bol sinful zly. Ona observe GOD GOD bol
strict v enforcing retribution!
[5:3] Zakazat ona bol zviera umrel z themselves blood meat pigs zviera dedicated do
inak than GOD (Zviera umrel z themselves zapocitat those) zaskrtit struck object fallen
height gored zachvatit wild zviera! – Ona save tvoj zivocisny it umrel – Zviera sacrificed
altars. I zakazat dividing meat zverina chance this bol abomination. Dnes disbelievers
dat (eradication tvoj nabozenstvo; nie fear them fear Mna radsej! Dnes ja completed tvoj
nabozenstvo zdokonalit Moj zehnat ona ja decreed Submission nabozenstvo ona. 1 forced
by famine jestn zakazat food without je deliberately sinful potom GOD bol Forgiver
[5:4] They consult ona zaujem co je lawful them; say Lawful ona bol all dobry things co
vlak dogs falcons chytat ona. Ona vlak them GOD’s teachings! Ona jestn co they chytat
ona zmierit sa GOD’s vola sa thereupon Ona observe GOD GOD bol ZDATNY DO
[5:5] Dnes all dobry food robit lawful ona. food ludia scripture bol lawful for ona. I ona
vydana chaste zensky believers i mat rad chaste zensky followers previous scripture
zadovazit ona zaplatit them ich due dowries! Ona maintain chastity nie committing
adultery, nor pocas secret lovers! Ktokolvek zamietnut faith all jeho zavodny bol v vain
Hereafter he bol losers!
[5:6] O ona verit when ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) ona shall (1 prat tvoj faces
(2 prat tvoj zbran laket (3 wipe tvoj riaditel (4 prat tvoj nohy ankles. Ona bol unclean due
do sexual orgasm ona kupat sa. Ona bol chory cestovat had any digestive excretion
urinary fecal gas had (sexual) zmluva zensky ona nie zalozit zavlazit ona observe dry
ablution (Tayammum) touching cisty dry znecistit potom rubbing tvoj faces hands GOD
NIE ZELAT robit NABOZENSTVO difficult ONA; He ZELAT cleanse ONA
ZDOKONALIT JEHO zehnat ONA ONA bol appreciative
[5:7] Zapamatat Si GOD’s zehnat ona Jeho covenant ze He covenanted ona ona said My
hear my obey Ona observe GOD GOD bol fully aware z innermost thoughts!
[5:8] O ona verit ona bol absolutely equitable observe GOD when ona serve svedok!
Nie provoked tvoj conflicts some ludia committing injustice! Ona je absolutely equitable
it bol righteous. Ona observe GOD GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
[5:9] GOD promises those verit lead righteous ZIVOT forgiveness VELKA recompense
[5:10] Mat rad for those disbelieve zamietnut our revelations they je dwellers Hell!
[5:11] O ona verit zapamatat si GOD’s blessings ona; when some zaludnit extended ich
hands aggress ona He chranit ona withheld ich hands Ona observe GOD GOD believers
[5:12] GOD BERIE covenant DIETA IZRAEL MY CHOV them 12 patriarchs! GOD
said ja bol ona long mat rad ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k
bliznemu (Zakat) verit v Moj posol zretel them zotrvat do lend GOD loan righteousness!
Ja potom remit tvoj zhresit admit ona into zahrada flowing streams Ktokolvek disbelieves
after this has indeed strayed na pravo chodnicek.
[5:13] It bol consequence z ich znasilnit covenant my condemned them my zapricinit
ich srdce become hardened Consequently they berie words context disregarded some z
commandments dat them. Ona zotrvat svedok betrayal them excepting a few z them! Ona
pardon them disregard them! GOD LASKA those bol benevolent
[5:14] I z those said My bol Christian my berie ich covenant they disregarded some z
commandments dat them. Consequently my condemned them animosity hatred
themselves Dni Vzkriesenie. GOD will POTOM INFORMOVAT them Z everything they
[5:15] O ludia scripture our posol pojdem ona proclaim ona vela things ona zatajit
scripture pardon vela inaksie transgressions ona committed beacon pojdem ona GOD
profound scripture.
[5:16] S it GOD guides those seek Jeho approval He guides them chodnicek peace leads
them out z darkness into lahky Jeho odist guides them do straight chodnicek.
[5:17] Pagans indeed je those kto say GOD bol Messiah syn Mary. Say Kto oppose
GOD He willed annihilate Messiah syn Mary jeho matka everyone on zem? Do GOD
belongs sovereignty z heavens zem everything them! He creates whatever He wills. GOD
bol Omnipotent
[5:18] Zid Christians said My bol GOD’s dieta Jeho beloved Say potom He punish ona
tvoj zhresit? Ona bol iba humans inak humans He created He forgives whomever He
wills punishes whomever He wills! Do GOD belongs sovereignty z heavens zem
everything them do Him bol zaverecny destiny!
[5:19] O ludia scripture our posol pojdem ona explain things ona after period z cas posol
lest ona say My nie receive any preacher warner. preacher warner has teraz pojdem ona!
GOD bol Omnipotent
[5:20] Recall lenze Moses said do jeho ludia O moj ludia zapamatat si GOD’s blessings
ona He appointed prophets ona robit ona kings granted ona co He never granted any
inaksie ludia!
[5:21] O moj ludia zapisat holy zem lenze GOD decreed ona nie rebel lest ona become
[5:22] They said O Moses there bol mocny ludia it my nie zapisat it they get it they get
my zapisat.
[5:23] 2 clovek reverent zehnat GOD said Iba zapisat zavora! Ona iba zapisat it ona iste
prevail Ona trust GOD ona bol believers.
[5:24] They said O Moses my never zapisat it long mat rad they bol it Therefore ist! –
Ona tvoj Lord – A boj! My zasadat riadne tu.
[5:25] He said Moj Lord ja len control moj brat. So allow us part podnik zlomyselny
[5:26] He said Henceforth it zakazat them 40 rocnik kto they roam zem aimlessly. Nie
rmutit sa such zlomyselny ludia!
[5:27] Recite them true history Adam’s 2 syn. They robit offering it accepted 1 z them
nie z inaksie. He said ja iste kill ona. He said GOD accepts len z the righteous.
[5:28] Ona extend tvoj hand kill mna ja nie extending moj hand kill ona. For ja
reverence GOD Lord universe.
[5:29] Ja chudoba ona nie mna bear moj zhresit tvoj zhresit potom ona koniec dwellers
Hell! Such bol requital transgressors.
[5:30] Jeho ego provoked him into killing jeho brat. He killed him zakoncenie losers.
[5:31] GOD POTOM sent raven scratch ZNECISTIT teach him AKO ZAKOPAT
JEHO BRAT corpse! He said Woe mna; ja zlyhat je mat rad inteligentny mat rad this
raven zakopat moj brat corpse. He became ridden remorse.
[5:32] Because z this my decreed Dieta Izrael ze any jeden zavrazdit any clovek nie
committed zavrazdit horrendous zlocin bol mat rad he zavrazdit all ludia! Ktokolvek
rezervny zivot bol mat rad he rezervny zivot all ludia. Our posol ist them zretelny proofs
revelations vela z them after all this still transgressing.
[5:33] Iba retribution those boj GOD Jeho posol commit horrendous zlocin je killed
crucified have ich hands nohy rez alternate strana banished zem! This bol humiliate them
v this zivot potom they suffer daleko zly retribution Hereafter
[5:34] Exempted som those repent before ona zdolat them! Ona zauzlit lenze GOD bol
Forgiver Merciful.
[5:35] O ona verit ona reverence GOD seek ways lakomstvo Him strive Jeho zapricinit
lenze ona succeed!
[5:36] Istota those disbelieved they possessed everything zem vecer dva krat mat rad
vela offered it mat rad ransom rezervny them retribution Dni Vzkriesenie it nie accepted
them; they incurred painful retribution!
[5:37] They chudoba vychod Hell alas they never vychod therefrom ich retribution bol
[5:38] Zlodej muzsky zena ona zatrhnut ich hands punishment ich zlocin a serve mat rad
vzor GOD GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[5:39] If 1 repents after committing this zlocin reforms GOD redeems him! GOD bol
Forgiver Merciful.
[5:40] Ona nie zauzlit lenze GOD robit possesses sovereignty z heavens zem? He
punishes whomever He wills forgives whomever He wills! GOD bol Omnipotent
[5:41] O ona posol nie saddened those hasten disbelieve among those say My verit ich
usta chvila ich srdce nie verit! Among Zid some listened do laicky! They listened do
ludia never schodza ona kto distorted words context potom said ona dat this accept it ona
dat anything inak beware Whomever GOD wills divert ona robit nothing pomoc him
GOD GOD NIE ZELAT cleanse ICH SRDCE. They incurred humiliation v this world do
Hereafter they suffer hrozny retribution.
[5:42] They bol upholders laicky eaters illicit earnings they pojdem ona judge them ona
judge them ona disregard them! Ona zvolit si disregard them they nie harm ona v the
maly if ona judge them ona judge equitably. GOD LASKA those bol equitable.
[5:43] Why they ziadat ona robit judge them when they have Torah containing GOD’s
zakon they zvolit si disregard it They nie bol believers.
[5:44] My sent Torah containing guidance lahky. Ruling v accordance s it bol Zidovsky
prophets i mat rad rabin knaz mat rad dictated them v GOD’s scripture mat rad svedok
them! Therefore nie reverence human beings; ona reverence Mna radsej! Nie zivnost
away Moj revelations lacny price Those nie rule v accordance s GOD’s revelations bol
[5:45] A my decreed them it ze zivot zivot oci oci nose nose ear ear chrup chrup
equivalent zranenie any zranenie. 1 forfeits co je due do him mat rad laska k bliznemu it
atone jeho zhresit. Those nie rule v accordance s GOD’s revelations bol the unjust.
[5:46] Subsequent do them my sent Jesus syn Mary confirming previous scripture
Torah! My dat him Gospel containing guidance kypry confirming previous scriptures
Torah zvacsit its guidance a kypry enlighten the righteous!
[5:47] Ludia Gospel rule v accordance s GOD’s revelations therein. Those nie rule v
accordance s GOD’s revelations bol the zlomyselny.
[5:48] Potom my revealed ona this scripture truthfully confirming previous scriptures
superseding them! Ona rule them v accordance s GOD’s revelations nie nasledovat ich
zelat they differ z truth pojdem ona! For each z ona my decreed zakon inak rites. Had
GOD willed He robit ona 1 congregation. He thus puts ona test revelations He dat each z
ona. Ona compete righteousness. Do GOD bol tvoj zaverecny destiny – all z ona – Potom
He informovat ona z everything ona disputed
[5:49] Ona rule them v accordance s GOD’s revelations do ona. Nie nasledovat ich zelat
beware lest they divert ona some z GOD’s revelations ona! If they turn potom zauzlit
lenze GOD wills punish them for some z ich zhresit! Indeed vela ludia bol zlomyselny.
[5:50] Je it zakon dni ignorance they seek uphold? Whose zakon je lepsie than GOD’s
those attained certainty?
[5:51] O ona verit nie berie certain Zid Christians allies these som allies z 1 iny Those
among ona ally these belong them! GOD NIE guide transgressors.
[5:52] Ona see those harbor doubt ich srdce hasten join them saying My fear lest my
defeated Maj GOD bring victory command Him zapricinit them regret ich secret
[5:53] believers potom say Je these same ludia kto swore GOD solemnly they bol ona?
Ich robota nullified they bol losers.
[5:54] O ona verit ona revert tvoj nabozenstvo potom GOD will zastupid tvoj miesto
ludia koho He laska kto laska Him! They bol laskavy believers stern disbelievers strive
zapricinit GOD without fear any blame Such je GOD’s zehnat He bestows it whomever
He wills. GOD bol Bounteous Omniscient
[5:55] Tvoj real allies bol GOD Jeho posol believers observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) dat
zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) they bow nadol!
[5:56] Those ally GOD Jeho posol those verit belong party GOD absolutely they bol
[5:57] O ona verit nie befriend those recipients previous scripture mock ridicule tvoj
nabozenstvo nor shall ona befriend disbelievers! Ona reverence GOD ona bol skutocne
[5:58] When ona vola sa do Zmluva Prayers (Salat) they mock ridicule it This je they je
zaludnit kto nie chapat!
[5:59] Say O ludia scripture ona nie hate us my verit v GOD do co revealed us v co
revealed before us, a vela z ona nie bol righteous?
[5:60] Say Let mna tell ona bol zly zrak GOD those condemned GOD incurring Jeho
zloba until He robit them mat rad despicable mat rad monkeys pigs idol worshipers!
These bol daleko zly daleko na pravo chodnicek.
[5:61] When they pojdem ona they say My verit vecer they bol full z disbelief when
they zapisat they bol full z disbelief when they lavy. GOD JE fully aware z everything
[5:62] Ona see vela z them readily committing zly transgression jestn z illicit earnings
Chudobny indeed je co they robit.
[5:63] If len rabin knaz enjoin them ich sinful utterances illicit earnings Chudobny
indeed je co they commit
[5:64] Zid vecer said GOD’s hand puto nadol! It bol ich hands puto nadol. They
condemned for uttering such blasphemy! Radsej Jeho hands bol siroky je otvorene
spending mat rad He wills. Istota tvoj Lord’s revelations do ona zapricinit vela z them
plunge deeper into transgression disbelief! Consequently my committed them animosity
hatred themselves Dni Vzkriesenie. Whenever they ignite flames vojnovy GOD puts
them! They roam zem wickedly GOD nemat rad evildoers.
[5:65] Len ludia scripture verit lead righteous zivot my potom remit ich zhresit admit
them into zahrada bliss!
[5:66] Len they uphold Torah Gospel co sent nadol them tu ich Lord they je lejak s
blessings z above them beneath ich nohy! Some z them bol righteous vela z them bol
[5:67] O ona posol deliver co revealed ona tvoj Lord – until ona robit ona nie delivered
Jeho odkaz! – A GOD will chranit ona ludia. GOD NIE guide disbelieving LUDIA.
[5:68] Say O ludia scripture ona nie have zaklad ona uphold Torah Gospel co sent nadol
ona tu tvoj Lord istota these revelations z tvoj Lord zapricinit vela z them plunge deeper
into transgression disbelief! Therefore nie feel sorry disbelieving ludia.
[5:69] Iste those verit those bol Zidovsky converts Christians; any z them kto (1) verit v
GOD (2) verit v Posledny Dni (3) lead righteous zivot have nothing fear nor will they
rmutit sa.
[5:70] My berie covenant Dieta Izrael my sent do them posol. Whenever posol ist them
anything they nemat rad some z them they zamietnut some they killed
[5:71] They myslienka they nie tested they turned blind deaf potom GOD redeemed
them potom vela z them turned blind deaf znova GOD bol Seer Z everything they
[5:72] Pagans indeed je those kto say GOD bol Messiah syn Mary. Messiah said O
Dieta Izrael ona kult GOD moj Lord tvoj Lord Ktokolvek sets any idol GOD GOD
zakazat Raj him jeho destiny bol Hell. Zlomyselny have helpers.
[5:73] Pagans indeed je those kto say GOD bol 3 z trinity. There nie bol god except 1
god they zdrzat sa z saying this those disbelieve them incur painful retribution!
[5:74] they nie repent GOD Would ziadat Jeho forgiveness? GOD bol Forgiver
[5:75] Messiah syn Mary bol ziaden inak than posol posol him jeho matka bol saint
Both z them pouzivat jestn food Note ako my explain revelations them note ako they still
[5:76] Say ona kult GOD powerless idols kto neither harm ona mozem nor benefit ona?
GOD bol Hearer Omniscient
[5:77] Say O ludia scripture nie transgress limits tvoj nabozenstvo truth nie nasledovat
nazor z zaludnit kto ist astray zmylit multitudes ludia; they bol daleko astray na pravo
[5:78] Condemned som those disbelieved Dieta Izrael jazyk David Jesus syn Mary. This
they disobeyed transgressed
[5:79] They nie enjoin jeden iny z committing zly! Chudobny indeed je co they robit.
[5:80] Ona see vela z them allying those disbelieve! Chudobny indeed je co ich hands
sent forth ich souls. GOD bol angry them consequently they abide forever retribution.
[5:81] Had they verit v GOD prophet v co revealed him tu they nie befriended them.
vela z them bol zly.
[5:82] Ona zalozit ze zly enemies believers bol Zid idol worshipers. Ona zalozit ze
koniec ludia friendship believers bol those say My je Christian This je they have knaz
monks them they nie bol arrogant.
[5:83] When they hear co revealed posol ona see ich oci zaplava s tears mat rad they
recognize truth therein they say Our Lord my verit so pocitat us svedok!
[5:84] Why my nie verit v GOD truth pojdem us hope our Lord admit us righteous
[5:85] GOD rewarded them saying this; He admit them ZAHRADA flowing streams
They abide therein forever Such bol reward for the righteous.
[5:86] Mat rad for those disbelieve zamietnut our revelations they je dwellers Hell!
[5:87] O ona verit nie zakazat dobry things robit lawful GOD nie aggress; GOD nemat
rad aggressors!
[5:88] A jestn dobre lawful things lenze GOD has zadovazit for ona! Ona reverence
GOD do koho ona bol believers.
[5:89] GOD NIE hold ONA ZODPOVEDNY for mere utterance oaths; He holds ONA
ZODPOVEDNY for TVOJ actual ZAMER. Ona znasilnit oath ona atone zivit 10
chudobny ludia z same food ona offer tvoj own rodina al clothing them volny slave Ona
nie afford this potom ona chytro 3 dni. This bol atonement znasilnit oaths ona swore keep
Ona fulfill tvoj oaths. GOD thus explains JEHO revelations ONA ONA bol appreciative
[5:90] O ona verit intoxicants gambling altars idols zverina z chance som abominations
devil ona avoid them ze ona succeed.
[5:91] devil chudoba provoke animosity hatred ona through intoxicants gambling do
zmateny ona z zapamatat si GOD z observing Zmluva Prayers (Salat)! Ona potom zdrzat
[5:92] Ona obey GOD ona obey posol beware Ona turn potom zauzlit ze chodidlo clo
our posol je deliver odkaz efficiently!
[5:93] Those verit lead righteous zivot nie bear guilt jestn any food so long mat rad they
observe commandments verit lead righteous zivot potom maintain ich piety faith zotrvat
observe piety righteousness! GOD LASKA the righteous.
[5:94] O ona verit GOD will test ona some zverina znutra zastihnut z tvoj hands tvoj
arrows pilgrimage GOD thus distinguishes those ONA observe Him ICH privacy. Those
transgress after this incurred painful retribution.
[5:95] O ona verit nie kill any zverina pilgrimage Ktokolvek kills any zverina on ucel,
jeho ok bol a zvazok z zivy inventar zviera je equivalent do zverina zviera he killed
judgment set 2 equitable ludia ona. They robit istota lenze offerings zastihnut Ka bah.
Inak he expiate zivit chudobny ludia equivalent chytro atone jeho offense GOD pardoned
offenses if ktokolvek spatny listok do such offense GOD will avenge it GOD bol
Almighty Avenger.
[5:96] All fish sea som robit lawful ona jestn! During pilgrimage this maj zadovazit for
ona during tvoj journey Ona nie lapat pilgrimage Ona reverence GOD koho ona zvolat.
[5:97] GOD appointed Ka bah Sacred Masjid bol sanctuary LUDIA I Sacred MESIAC
offerings Sacred Masjid) garlands ZATRHNUT them! Ona zauzlit ze GOD zauzlit
everything do heavens zem a lenze GOD bol Omniscient
[5:98] Zauzlit lenze GOD bol strict v enforcing retribution GOD Forgiving Merciful!
[5:99] Chodidlo clo posol bol deliver odkaz GOD zauzlit everything ona declare
everything ona zatajit.

[5:100] Proclaim zly dobry som nie same vecer if abundance zly maj imponovat ona!
Ona reverence GOD vecer ona je minority O ona possess inteligencia ze ona succeed.
[5:101] O ona verit nie ziadat about zalezitost revealed ona prematurely zranit ona! Ona
ziadat about them lahky z Quran they become zjavny do ona. GOD deliberately
overlooked them. GOD bol Forgiver Clement
[5:102] Others ona ziadat same questions potom became disbelievers therein!
[5:103] GOD NIE ZAKAZAT ZIVY INVENTAR begets certain combinations Z
MUZSKY ZENA nor ZIVY INVENTAR liberated by oath nor JEDEN begets 2
MUZSKY RAD nor bull OTCA 10. bol disbelievers invented such laicky GOD vela z
them nie chapat.
[5:104] When they told Pojdem co GOD revealed posol they say Co my zalozit our
rodicia robit bol sufficient us. Co if ich rodicia zauzlit nothing nie guided
[5:105] O ona verit ona znepokojit len about tvoj own krk. others ist astray they nie
zranit ona mat rad long mat rad ona guided Do GOD bol tvoj ultimate destiny all z ona
potom He informovat ona z everything ona robit.
[5:106] O ona verit svedok will when jeden z ona umrel robi 2 equitable ludia ona! Ona
cestovat potom 2 others robit the svedok! After observing Zmluva Prayer (Salat) let
svedok swear GOD alleviate tvoj doubts My nie pouzivat this attain personal zisk vecer
testator je related do us! Nor will my zatajit GOD’s testimony. Inak my bol sinners.
[5:107] Svedok zalozit bol guilty z bias potom 2 others ziadat berie ich miesto! Zvolit Si
2 clovek victimized 1 svedok let them swear GOD Our testimony bol truthful than ich my
nie biased Inak my bol transgressors.
[5:108] This bol apt encourage honest testimony ich part fearing ze ich oath bol
disregarded ze z previous svedok! Ona observe GOD listen GOD NIE guide the
[5:109] Dni pojdem when GOD will zvolat posol ziadat them Ako je response do ona?
They say My nie have znalost! Ona bol Knower all secrets.
[5:110] GOD will say O Jesus SYN Mary zapamatat si MOJ blessings ONA TVOJ
MATKA! Ja supported ona Holy Spirit enable ona speak do ludia crib i mat rad dospely!
Ja taught ona scripture wisdom Torah Gospel. Recall lenze ona created z il shape bird
Moj odist potom blew it it became zit bird Moj odist! Ona healed blind leprous Moj odist
revived dead Moj odist! Recall ja chranit ona Dieta Izrael chudoba zranit ona profound
zazrak ona shown them! disbelievers them said ‘This bol obviously kuzlo. ‘
[5:111] Recall ja inspirovat disciples ‘Ona verit v Mi Moj posol ‘ They said ‘My verit
bear svedok my bol submitters ‘!
[5:112] Recall lenze disciples said O Jesus syn Mary mozem tvoj Lord send us feast sky
He said Ona reverence GOD ona bol believers!
[5:113] They said My zelat jestn z it reassure our srdce zauzlit istota ze ona told us
truth! My serve svedok thereof.
[5:114] Said Jesus syn Mary Our god our Lord send nadol us feast sky Let it bring
plenty each kazdy jeden z us znamenie z Ona! Zadovazit for us; Ona je dobre Provider!
[5:115] GOD said JA sending it NADOL. Ktokolvek among ona disbelieves this ja
punish him mat rad ja never punished ktokolvek inak”.
[5:116] GOD will say O Jesus SYN Mary ROBIT ONA say do LUDIA ‘ROBIT mi
MOJ matka idols GOD ‘ He say ONA glorified Ja nie utter co je na pravo! Had ja said it
Ona already zauzlit it Ona zauzlit moj thoughts ja nie zauzlit Tvoj thoughts! Ona zauzlit
all secrets.
[5:117] Ja told them len co Ona commanded mna say ‘Ona kult GOD moj Lord tvoj
Lord ‘ ja bol svedok them mat rad long mat rad ja zivy them. When Ona zakoncit moj
zivot zem Ona became Watcher them. Ona svedok all things.
[5:118] Ona punish them they bol Tvoj constituents. Ona forgive them Ona bol
Almighty Wise.
[5:119] GOD will proclaim This bol DNI when truthful will saved ICH truthfulness.
They ZASLUZIT ZAHRADA flowing streams They abide therein forever GOD
PROSIM them they PROSIM Him! This bol velka triumph
[5:120] Do GOD belongs sovereignty z heavens zem everything v them He bol