Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Debate (Al-Mujaadalah)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[58:1] GOD heard ZENSKY debated ONA JU MUZ complained GOD GOD heard
everything 2 Z ONA discussed GOD bol Hearer Seer.
[58:2] Those among ona estrange ich manzelka (by declaring them mat rad zakazat v
rod) ich matka zauzlit full lepsie ze they nie bol ich matka! Ich matka bol zensky dat
narodenie do them. Indeed they committing blasphemy falsehood. GOD bol Pardoner
[58:3] Those estrange ich manzelka v this chovanie potom zmiernit thereafter atone
volny slave before zaujat ich sexual vztah! This bol enlighten ona. GOD bol Cognizant Z
everything ONA ROBIT!
[58:4] Ona nie zalozit slave volny ona chytro 2 consecutive mesiac before zaujat sexual
vztah! Ona nie chytro potom ona zivit 60 chudobny ludia. Ona verit v GOD Jeho posol.
These bol GOD’s zakon. disbelievers incurred painful retribution.
[58:5] Iste those boj GOD Jeho posol committed defeat ich previous counterparts
committed defeat My sent nadol zretelny proofs rejectors incurred shameful retribution!
[58:6] Dni pojdem when GOD will resurrect them all potom informovat them z
everything they robit! GOD ZAPISNICA everything chvila they ZABUDNUT it GOD
SVEDOK all things.
[58:7] Ona nie realize ze GOD zauzlit everything do heavens everything on zem? Nie 3
ludia conspire secretly Him je ich 4 nor 5 Him je 6 nor menej than ze nor inak Him bol
there them wherever they bol Potom Dni Vzkriesenie He informovat them z everything
they robit. GOD bol fully aware z all things.
[58:8] Ona noted those je enjoined z conspiring secretly potom insist on conspiring
They conspire commit zhresit transgression disobedience posol! When they pojdem ona
they greet ona pozdravy inak than ze decreed by GOD They say themselves GOD will
nie punish us our utterances. Ich iba requital bol Gehenna wherein they burn co
chudobny destiny.
[58:9] O ona verit ona confer secretly ona nie confer commit zhresit transgression
disobey posol! Ona confer zavodny righteousness piety! Ona reverence GOD koho ona
[58:10] Secret conspiracy bol devil’s idea kto he seeks zranit those verit. However he nie
zranit them against GOD’s will Do GOD believers trust
[58:11] O ona verit ona told Prosim robit izba ona robit izba each inak zasadat! GOD
will POTOM robit IZBA ONA! Ona ziadat get move get a move GOD CHOV those
ONA verit those acquire ZNALOST higher ranks GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything
[58:12] O ona verit when ona zelat confer posol ona offer laska k bliznemu chudobny)
before ona robit so This je lepsi ona a purer. Ona nie afford it potom GOD bol Forgiver
[58:13] Ona zlyhat dat laska k bliznemu before conferring potom repented thereafter
GOD accepts tvoj repentance! Ona observe zmluva prayers (Salat) dat zavazny laska k
bliznemu (Zakat) obey GOD Jeho posol! GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA
[58:14] Ona noted those Have befriended ludia GOD bol angry They neither belong ona
nor them. They deliberately swear laicky!
[58:15] GOD chystat them severe retribution. Chudobny indeed je co they pouzivat
[58:16] They pouzivat ich oaths znamenat z zapudit chodnicek GOD Consequently they
incurred shameful retribution.
[58:17] Neither ich peniaze nor ich dieta pomoc them GOD They incurred hellfire
wherein they abide forever
[58:18] Dni pojdem when GOD resurrects them all They swear Him potom iba mat rad
they swear ona ihned myslienka ze they skutocne je ihned! Indeed they bol real liars.
[58:19] devil possessed them zapricinit them disregard GOD’s odkaz! These bol party
devil Absolutely party devil bol losers.
[58:20] Iste those oppose GOD Jeho posol bol lowliest.
[58:21] GOD decreed JA MOJ POSOL will vela assuredly ZISKAT GOD bol MOCNY
[58:22] Ona nie zalozit ludia verit v GOD Posledny Dni befriending those oppose GOD
Jeho posol vecer they bol ich rodicia ich dieta ich siblings ich tribe! For these He decrees
faith ich srdce supports them s inspiracia z Him admits them into zahrada flowing
streams wherein they abide forever GOD PROSIM them they PROSIM Him! These bol
party GOD vela assuredly GOD’s party bol winners!