Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


Zensky (Al-Nisa)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[4:1] O ludia observe tvoj Lord Jeden created ona 1 created z it its mate potom spread 2
vela clovek zensky. Ona zretel GOD koho ona swear zretel rodicia! GOD watching
[4:2] Ona hand orphans ich rightful imanie. Nie zastupid zly for dobre nie consume ich
imanie combining them yours! This bol gross injustice.
[4:3] Ona deem it dobre orphans ona vydana ich matka – Ona vydana 2 3 4. Ona fear
lest ona become unfair potom ona bol content len jeden al co ona already have
Additionally ona je thus likely avoid financial hardship!
[4:4] Ona dat zensky ich due dowries equitably. they willingly forfeit anything potom
ona accept it it bol rightfully yours.
[4:5] Nie dat immature orphans imanie lenze GOD entrusted ona guardians! Ona shall
zadovazit for them therefrom clothe them treat them laskavo!
[4:6] Ona test orphans when they zastihnut puberty. Mat rad skoro mat rad ona zalozit
them zrely enough dat them ich imanie! Nie consume it extravagantly v a ponahlajte sa
before they grow Zirny guardian nie zverenec any wage chudobny guardian maj zverenec
equitably! When ona dat them ich imanie ona have svedok. GOD suffices Reckoner.
[4:7] Clovek get share z co rodicia vztazny vlavo Zensky i get share z co rodicia vztazny
vlavo Whether bol male velka inheritance (zensky get definite share
[4:8] During distribution inheritances vztazny orphans chudobny clovek bol present ona
dat them therefrom treat them laskavo!
[4:9] Those zaujem ich own dieta v puzdro they vlavo them observe GOD bol equitable!
[4:10] Those consume orphans’ imanie unjustly jestn zapalit ich brucho suffer Hell!
[4:11] GOD decrees will for the benefit TVOJ DIETA; MUZSKY gets DVA KRAT
share ZENA! If inheritors je len zensky inak than 2 they get two-thirds z co bequeathed
Len jeden dcera lavy ona gets one-half. Rodicia zomrela get one-sixth inheritance each
zomrela lavy any dieta. he nie lavy dieta jeho rodicia bol iba inheritors matka gets onethird! he has siblings potom matka gets one-sixth. All this after fulfilling any will
zomrela lavy after platit off all debts. When it pojdem tvoj rodicia tvoj dieta ona nie
zauzlit kto z them bol skutocne dobry do ona the vela beneficial. This bol GOD’s zakon.
GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:12] Ona get half z co tvoj manzelka vlavo they nie had dieta. they had dieta ona get
one-fourth z co they lavy. All this after fulfilling any will they lavy after platit off all
debts. They get one-fourth z co ona vlavo ona nie had dieta. Ona had dieta they get oneeighth z co ona bequeath All this after fulfilling any will ona lavy after platit off all debts.
If zomrela clovek zensky bol loner vlavo 2 siblings muzsky zenska each z them gets onesixth inheritance! there bol inak siblings potom they equally share one-third inheritance.
All this after fulfilling any will after platit off all debts so ze ziaden 1 zranit. This will
decreed GOD GOD bol Omniscient Clement
[4:13] These bol GOD’s zakon. Those obey GOD Jeho posol He admit them zahrada
flowing streams wherein they abide forever This bol velka triumph
[4:14] Mat rad for 1 kto disobeys GOD Jeho posol transgresses Jeho zakon He admit
him Hell wherein he abides forever He incurred shameful retribution.
[4:15] Those commit adultery tvoj zensky ona have 4 svedok them z ona. they bear
svedok potom ona keep such zensky ich domov until they umrel al GOD creates vychod
[4:16] couple commits adultery punished they repent reform ona vlavo them! GOD bol
Redeemer Merciful.
[4:17] Repentance bol acceptable GOD z those jesen zhresit ignorance potom repent
ihned thereafter! GOD redeems them. GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:18] Nie acceptable je repentance z those commit zhresit smrt pojdem them potom say
Ihned ja repent Nor je it acceptable z those umrel disbelievers! For these my chystat
painful retribution.
[4:19] O ona verit nie bol lawful ona zdedit co zensky vlavo against ich will Ona nie
force them dat up anything ona dat them they commit proven adultery! Ona treat them
nicely. Ona nemat rad them ona nemat rad nieco wherein GOD miesto a lot z dobry.
[4:20] Ona zelat vydana iny manzelka v miesto tvoj present manzelka ona dat any z
them a velka deal ona nie berie anything ona dat ju! Ona berie it fraudulently maliciously
[4:21] Ako ona berie it after ona je intimny s each inak, they pocas ona solemn
[4:22] Nie vydana zensky previously vydana tvoj otca! – existing manzelstvo exempted
nie zlomeny – for it bol gross offense abominable cin.
[4:23] Zakazat for ona manzelstvo) bol tvoj matka tvoj dcera tvoj sestra sestra tvoj otca
sestra tvoj matka dcera tvoj brat dcera tvoj sestra tvoj nursing matka girls kto nursed z
same zensky mat rad ona matka tvoj manzelka dcera tvoj manzelka koho ona
consummated manzelstvo! – Manzelstvo nie consummated ona vydana dcera. I zakazat
ona bol zensky vydana tvoj genetic syn. I ona nie vydana 2 sestra o the same cas – robi
nie zlomit existing manzelstvo! GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:24] I zakazat som zensky already vydana they flee ich disbelieving muz bol o
vojnovy ona. These bol GOD’s commandments ona. All inaksie categories permitted ona
manzelstvo long mat rad ona zaplatit them ich due dowries. Ona maintain tvoj morality
by nie committing adultery! Thus whoever ona zaluba them ona zaplatit them dowry
decreed for them. Ona nie commit omyl by mutually agreeing do any adjustments do
dowry! GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:25] Those among ona nie afford vydana volny verit zensky vydana verit slave
zensky! GOD zauzlit DOBRY TVOJ belief ONA bol equal do JEDEN iny mat rad
daleko mat rad belief ZAUJEM! Ona ziskat permission z ich guardians ona vydana them
zaplatit them ich due dowry equitably! They maintain moral chovanie by nie committing
adultery, al having secret lovers! Once they volny manzelstvo they commit adultery, ich
punishment bol half z ze volny zensky. Vydana slave bol posledny vyletne miesto for
those unable cakat! Je chory je lepsie for ona. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:26] GOD wills explain things ONA guide ONA through MINULY precedents DO
redeem ONA! GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:27] GOD ZELAT redeem ONA CHVILA those pursue ICH lusts ZELAT ONA
deviate VELKA deviation!
[4:28] GOD ZELAT BLESK ONA burden human bol created CHABY.
[4:29] O ona verit nie consume each others’ imanie illicitly – Len mutually acceptable
transactions permitted Ona nie kill! GOD bol Merciful towards ONA
[4:30] Ktokolvek commits these transgressions maliciously deliberately my condemn
him do Hell. This bol easy GOD robit.
[4:31] Ona zdrzat sa z committing gross zhresit zakazat ona my remit tvoj zhresit admit
ona honorable admittance!
[4:32] Ona nie covet kvalita bestowed upon each inak by GOD clovek enjoy certain
kvalita zensky enjoy certain kvalita! Ona implore GOD lejak ona Jeho grace GOD bol
fully aware z all things.
[4:33] For each z ona my designated shares inheritance vlavo by rodicia vztazny. I those
related do ona manzelstvo ona dat them ich due share GOD SVEDOK all things.
[4:34] Clovek robit zodpovedny zensky GOD endowed them certain kvalita robit them
chlieb earners! righteous zensky cheerfully accept this zostava it bol GOD’s
commandment honor ich muz ich absence. If ona zazitok rebellion zensky ona prvy talk
do them potom (ona pouzivat zaporny incentives mat) rad) zbehnut them v zahon, potom
ona maj posledny alternative beat them! they obey ona ona nie permitted transgress them.
[4:35] couple fears separation ona appoint arbitrator jeho rodina arbitrator z ju rodina;
they decide zmiernit GOD will pomoc them get dohromady! GOD bol Omniscient
[4:36] Ona kult GOD alone – robi nie associate anything Him! Ona zretel rodicia
vztazny orphans chudobny related neighbor unrelated neighbor koniec associate cestovat
alien tvoj servants. GOD NIE ROBIT arrogant show-offs.
[4:37] Jeden bol lakomstvo exhort ludia bol lakomstvo zatajit co GOD bestowed them
Jeho bounties! My chystat disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:38] They dat peniaze laska k bliznemu len show chvila disbelieving GOD Posledny
Dni! 1 companion bol devil je zly companion.
[4:39] Why they nie verit v GOD Posledny Dni dat GOD’s provisions them? GOD bol
fully aware z them.
[4:40] GOD NIE inflict atom’s weight injustice. On the contrary He multiplies reward
manifold for righteous robota grants z Him velka recompense
[4:41] Thus when dni judgment pojdem my vola sa svedok each obec ona (posol) serve
svedok these ludia.
[4:42] Dni those disbelieved disobeyed posol zelat they je level ground nie single
utterance will they bol able do zatajit z GOD
[4:43] O ona verit nie observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat) chvila intoxicated so ze ona
zauzlit co ona saying Nor after sexual orgasm kupel unless ona je cesta cestovat ona bol
chory cestovat ona had urinary fecal-related excretion such mat rad gas zmluva zensky
(sexually) ona nie zalozit zavlazit ona observe Tayammum dry ablution) touching cisty
dry znecistit potom wiping tvoj faces hands therewith! GOD bol Pardoner Forgiver.
[4:44] Ona noted those received portion scripture a ako they zvolit si stray zelat ona
stray chodnicek?
[4:45] GOD zauzlit LEPSIE KTO TVOJ enemies bol GOD bol IBA Lord Zvladnut
GOD bol IBA Supporter.
[4:46] Among those bol Zidovsky some distort words truth they say My hear my
disobey Tvoj words falling deaf ears Raa’ena bol our shepherd mat rad they zvitok ich
jazyk mock nabozenstvo! Had they said My hear my obey My hear ona Unzurna watch
us) it je lepsie for them a righteous. Radsej they incurred condemnation GOD ich
disbelief. Consequently majority z them nie verit.
[4:47] O ona received scripture ona verit v co my reveal tu confirming co ona have
before my banish certain faces exile condemn them mat rad my condemned those
desecrated Sabbath! GOD’s command robit.
[4:48] GOD NIE forgive idolatry He forgives lesser offenses whomever He wills.
Ktokolvek sets idols GOD kut horrendous offense
[4:49] Ona noted those Have exalt? Radsej GOD je Jeden exalts whomever He wills
maly injustice.
[4:50] Note ako they fabricate laicky GOD co gross offense this bol
[4:51] Ona noted those received portion scripture a ako they verit v idolatry false
doctrine potom say disbelievers je lepsie guided than believers!?
[4:52] bol they incurred GOD’s condemnation whomever GOD condemns ona nie
zalozit any helper him!
[4:53] they own share sovereignty? they robit they nie dat ludia zrno.
[4:54] Je they zavistlivy z ludia because GOD lejak them Jeho blessings? My dat
Abraham’s rodina scripture wisdom; my granted them velka authority
[4:55] Some z them verit therein some z them zapudit therefrom Hell bol iba iba
retribution for these!
[4:56] Iste those disbelieve our revelations my condemn them hellfire. Whenever ich
skins zhoreny my dat them new skins Thus they suffer continuously. GOD bol Almighty
[4:57] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot my admit them zahrada flowing
streams they abide therein forever They have pure spouses therein. My admit them
blissful zaclonit.
[4:58] GOD commands ONA dat anything LUDIA entrusted ONA. Ona judge among
the ludia, ona judge equitably. Dobry enlightenment indeed je co GOD odporucat ona.
GOD bol Hearer Seer.
[4:59] O ona verit ona obey GOD ona obey posol those do zverenec ona! Ona dispute
any zalezitost ona refer it GOD posol ona verit v GOD Posledny Dni. This bol lepsi ona
zadovazit ona lepsie riesenie!
[4:60] Ona noted those reklamacia ze they Have verit v co revealed ona v co revealed
before ona je potom uphold unjust zakon ich idols? They commanded zamietnut such
zakon! Indeed bol devil’s zelat lead them daleko astray.
[4:61] When they told Pojdem co GOD revealed posol ona see hypocrites shunning ona
[4:62] Ako it robit when disaster je hits them mat rad consequence ich own robota?
They pojdem ona potom swear GOD Our zamer bol dobry righteous!
[4:63] GOD bol fully aware z ICH innermost ZAMER. Ona ignorovat them enlighten
them dat them dobry rada save ich souls!
[4:64] My nie send any posol except obeyed v accordance s GOD’s will Had they when
they zlo ich souls pojdem ona prayed GOD forgiveness posol prayed ich forgiveness they
zalozit GOD Redeemer Merciful.
[4:65] Never indeed by tvoj Lord they nie bol believers they pojdem ona judge ich
disputes potom zalozit hesitation ich srdce whatsoever do accepting tvoj judgment They
submit total submission.
[4:66] Had my decreed them Ona offer tvoj zivot Dat up tvoj domov they nie robit it
except for a few z them. (Vecer such command issued had they robit co they commanded
robi it je lepsi them prove strength ich faith!
[4:67] A my granted them velka recompense
[4:68] A my guided them na pravo chodnicek.
[4:69] Those obey GOD posol belong those zehnat GOD – prophets saints martyrs a the
righteous. These som dobre podnik.
[4:70] Such je zehnat z GOD GOD je lepsie Knower.
[4:71] O ona verit ona zostat alert mobilize mat rad individuum mobilize all
[4:72] Iste there bol those ona zavliect ich nohy potom setback afflicts ona they say
GOD zehnat mna ze ja nie martyred them.
[4:73] Ona attain zehnat GOD they say mat rad if nie friendship vzdy existed ona them
Ja zelat si ja bol them ja share such velky victory!
[4:74] Those readily boj zapricinit GOD bol those forsake this world Hereafter Whoever
boj zapricinit GOD potom gets killed attains victory my iste grant him velka recompense
[4:75] Why should ona nie boj zapricinit GOD when chaby clovek zensky dieta
imploring Our Lord deliver us z this obec whose ludia je oppressive bol Ona our Lord
[4:76] Those verit boj zapricinit GOD chvila those disbelieve boj zapricinit tyranny.
Therefore ona boj devil’s allies devil’s power je nil
[4:77] Ona noted those told Ona Have je boj; all ona have observe Zmluva Prayers
(Salat) je dat zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat) potom when boj decreed them they feared
ludia mat rad vela mat rad they feared GOD je vecer inak They said Our Lord Ona force
this boj us? If len Ona respite us awhile! Say latka this world je nil chvila Hereafter bol
daleko lepsie righteous ona never suffer slightest injustice.
[4:78] Wherever ona bol smrt will zastihnut up s ona vecer ona zit v formidable zamok!
When nieco dobre happens them they say This je GOD a when nieco zly afflicts them
they blame ona! Say Everything pojdem GOD these ludia misunderstand skoro
[4:79] Anything dobre happens ona je GOD anything zly ze happens ona bol ona. My
sent ona posol ludia GOD suffices mat rad svedok!
[4:80] Whoever obeys posol obeying GOD Mat rad for those turn my nie send ona ich
[4:81] They zavazok obedience they lavy ona some z them harbor zamer contrary do co
they say GOD ZAPISNICA ICH innermost ZAMER. Ona disregard them put tvoj trust

[4:83] When rumor affects zaruka pojdem ich way they spread it Had they referred it
posol those v zverenec them those chapat these zalezitost informovat them! If it je for
GOD’s grace ona Jeho zlutovanie ona nasledovat devil a few
[4:84] Ona boj zapricinit GOD ona bol zodpovedny len tvoj own soul exhort believers
robi the same GOD will neutralize power Z those disbelieve! GOD bol vela MOCNY
vela effective
[4:85] Whoever mediates dobry cin receives share credit thereof whoever mediates zly
robota incurs share thereof! GOD controls all things.
[4:86] When greeted pozdravy ona respond lepsie pozdravy o maly equal 1! GOD
reckons all things.
[4:87] GOD there NIE bol god except He. He iste zvolat ona Dni Vzkriesenie –
inevitable dni. Whose narration je truthful than GOD’s
[4:88] Why ona divide 2 zoskupit hypocrites ona)? GOD JE JEDEN condemned them
ich own CHOVANIE. Ona chudoba guide those robit sent astray GOD Whomever GOD
sends astray ona never zalozit way guide them!
[4:89] They zelat ona disbelieve mat rad they disbelieved potom ona become equal Nie
consider them znamy unless they mobilize along s ona zapricinit GOD they turn ona ona
boj them ona kill them when ona encounter them do vojnovy! Ona nie accept them
znamy allies
[4:90] Exempted som those join zaludnit koho ona znamka peace treaty those pojdem
ona zelat nie boj ona nor boj ich vztazny! Had GOD willed He permitted them boj ona!
Therefore if they vlavo ona zdrzat sa z boj ona offer ona peace potom GOD dat ona nie
excuse boj them!
[4:91] Ona zalozit others zelat robit peace ona i ich ludia. However mat rad skoro mat
rad vojnovy erupts they boj ona! these zaludnit vlavo ona offer ona peace zastavit boj ona
ona boj them when ona encounter them! Against these my dat ona zretelny authorization
[4:92] Ziaden believer kill iny believer it bol zrazka. Jeden kills believer by zrazka, he
atone volny verit slave zaplatit compensation victim’s rodina they forfeit such
compensation laska k bliznemu! victim belonged do ludia je o vojnovy ona he bol
believer ona atone volny verit slave he belonged do ludia koho ona znamka peace treaty
ona zaplatit compensation inak volny verit slave Ona nie zalozit slave volny ona atone
chytro 2 consecutive mesiac v poradie redeemed GOD GOD bol Knower Wise.
[4:93] Ktokolvek kills believer on ucel, jeho retribution bol Hell wherein he abides
forever GOD je angry him condemns him chystat him hrozny retribution!
[4:94] O ona verit ona strike zapricinit GOD ona bol absolutely istota. Nie say do jeden
offers ona peace Ona je believer seeking spoils this world For GOD possesses infinite
spoils Zapamatat Si ona pouzivat bol them GOD zehnat ona! Therefore ona je absolutely
istota ona strike GOD JE fully Cognizant Z everything ONA ROBIT.
[4:95] Nie equal som sedentary believers nie handicapped those strive zapricinit GOD
ich peniaze ich zivot. GOD exalts strivers ICH PENIAZE ICH ZIVOT above the
sedentary. both GOD promises salvation GOD exalts strivers sedentary velky
[4:96] higher ranks pojdem Him i mat rad forgiveness zlutovanie. GOD bol Forgiver
[4:97] Those zivot zakoncit angels chvila statny z zlo ich souls angels ziadat them Co
bol the zalezitost ona? They say My oppressed zem. They say Je GOD’s zem nie spacious
enough ona emigrate therein? these zaverecny abode bol Hell chudobny destiny!
[4:98] Exempted som chaby clovek zensky dieta nie possess strength nor znamenat
zalozit way
[4:99] These pardoned GOD GOD bol Pardoner Forgiver.
[4:100] Ktokolvek emigrates zapricinit z GOD will zalozit zem velka bounties richness!
Ktokolvek dat up jeho domov emigrating GOD Jeho posol potom smrt zastihnut up s him
jeho recompense rezervovat GOD GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:101] When ona cestovat during vojnovy ona nie commit omyl shortening tvoj
Zmluva Prayers (Salat) ona fear ze disbelievers zachvatit ona! Iste disbelievers bol tvoj
zapalisty enemies.
[4:102] When ona bol them lead Zmluva Prayer (Salat) them let some z ona stand guard
let them hold ich zbran let them stand ona ona prostrate Potom let inaksie zoskupit nie
prayed berie ich turn praying ona chvila others stand guard hold ich zbran! Those
disbelieved zelat see ona zanedbany tvoj zbran tvoj naradie v poradie zachvatit ona once i
for all Ona nie commit omyl ona hampered dazo zranenie putting nadol tvoj zbran long
mat rad ona zostat alert GOD chystat disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:103] Once ona complete tvoj Zmluva Prayer (Salat) ona zapamatat si GOD chvila
standing zasadat laicky! Once vojnovy bol ona observe Zmluva Prayers (Salat;) Zmluva
Prayers (Salat) decreed believers specific lehota!
[4:104] Nie waver pursuing enemy Ona suffer they i suffer. Ona expect GOD co they
never expect. GOD bol Omniscient Wise.
[4:105] My sent nadol ona scripture truthfully v poradie do judge among the ludia v
accordance s co GOD shown ona! Ona nie strana betrayers.
[4:106] Ona implore GOD forgiveness. GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:107] Nie argue on behalf z those zlo ich own souls; GOD nie laska any betrayer
[4:108] They zatajit ludia nie care zatajit GOD He je them mat rad they harbor idea He
nemat rad! GOD JE fully aware z everything they ROBIT.
[4:109] Tu ty bol arguing ich behalf v this world argue GOD ich behalf Dni
Vzkriesenie? Kto bol ich zastanca?
[4:110] Ktokolvek commits zly zlo jeho soul potom implores GOD forgiveness zalozit
GOD Forgiving Merciful.
[4:111] Ktokolvek zarabat zhresit zarabat it detriment jeho own soul. GOD bol
Omniscient Wise.
[4:112] Ktokolvek zarabat zhresit potom zalovat innocent clovek thereof committed
blasphemy gross offense
[4:113] If it je for GOD’s grace ona Jeho zlutovanie some z them zmylit ona! They len
zmylit they never harm ona v the maly GOD sent NADOL ONA scripture wisdom He
taught ONA co ONA never ZAUZLIT! Indeed GOD’s blessings ona bol velky
[4:114] There bol nothing dobry ich private conferences except for those zastanca laska
k bliznemu righteous robota robit peace among the ludia. Ktokolvek robit this v response
do GOD’s teachings my grant him velka recompense
[4:115] Mat rad for him opposes posol guidance pointed him nasledovat believers’ way
my rezirovat him riadenie he zvolit si commit him do Hell; co chudobny destiny!
[4:116] GOD NIE forgive idol KULT maintained SMRT) He forgives lesser offenses
whomever He wills! Ktokolvek idolizes any idol GOD has strayed daleko astray.
[4:117] They vecer kult zenska gods Him; mat rad a zalezitost z fact, they len kult
rebellious devil
[4:118] GOD condemned him he said JA ISTE recruit definite share TVOJ worshipers!
[4:119] Ja zmylit them ja entice them ja command them (zakazat jestn z certain meats
zatrhnut ears zivy inventar ja command them distort creation GOD Ktokolvek accepts
devil lord GOD incurred profound loss
[4:120] He promises them entices them; co devil promises bol ziaden inak than iluzia!
[4:121] These incurred Hell ich zaverecny abode never evade it
[4:122] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot my admit them zahrada flowing
streams wherein they zivy forever Such bol truthful promise GOD Whose utterances je
truthful than GOD’s
[4:123] It je v accordance s tvoj zelat zelat ludia scripture ktokolvek commits zly platit
for it nie have helper supporter GOD
[4:124] Mat rad for those lead righteous zivot muzsky zenska chvila verit they zapisat
Raj; slightest injustice.
[4:125] Kto je lepsie guided jeho nabozenstvo than jeden submits totally GOD leads
righteous zivot creed z Abraham monotheism? GOD ZVOLIT SI Abraham beloved
[4:126] Do GOD belongs everything heavens zem! GOD bol full control all things.
[4:127] They consult ona zaujem zensky say GOD enlightens ona them mat rad recited
for ona scripture! Ona restaurovat na pravo orphaned girls ona cheat ich due dowries
when ona zelat vydana them ona nie berie advantage z them. Na Pravo orphaned chlapec
i chranit i. Ona treat orphans equitably. Whatever dobre ona robit GOD bol fully aware
[4:128] Zensky zmysel oppression desertion ju muz couple try zmiernit ich differences
conciliation je lepsie for them. Selfishness bol human trait a ona robi dobry lead
righteous zivot GOD je fully Cognizant z everything ona robit!
[4:129] Ona never je equitable v dealing s inak than 1 manzelka ziaden zalezitost ako
hard ona try Therefore nie robit so biased mat rad do lavy 1 z them hanging neither
enjoying manzelstvo nor lavy vydana ktosi inak)! Ona toje spravne this situation maintain
righteousness GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:130] couple decide part GOD will zadovazit for each z them z Jeho bounties! GOD
bol Bounteous Wise.
[4:131] GOD belongs everything heavens zem my enjoined on those received scripture
ona enjoined ona ona reverence GOD Ona disbelieve potom GOD belongs everything
heavens zem. GOD bol DO ziaden need ZASLUZNY.
[4:132] GOD belongs everything heavens zem GOD bol iba Protector.
[4:133] He wills He annihilate ona O zaludnit zastupid others tvoj miesto! GOD bol
ISTOTA able do ROBIT this.
[4:134] Ktokolvek seeks latka this world zauzlit lenze GOD possesses both latka z this
world Hereafter GOD bol Hearer Seer.
[4:135] O ona verit ona bol absolutely equitable observe GOD when ona serve svedok
vecer yourselves tvoj rodicia tvoj vztazny! Whether zalovat bol zirny chudobny GOD
berie care z both Therefore nie biased tvoj personal zelat! Ona deviate disregard (this
commandment) potom GOD je fully Cognizant z everything ona robit!
[4:136] O ona verit ona verit v GOD Jeho posol scripture He revealed Jeho posol
scripture He revealed before ze. Ktokolvek refuses verit v GOD Jeho angels Jeho
scriptures Jeho posol Posledny Dni has indeed strayed daleko astray!
[4:137] Iste those verit potom disbelieve potom verit potom disbelieve potom plunge
deeper into disbelief GOD will nie forgive them nor will He guide them v any way
[4:138] Informovat hypocrites ze they incurred painful retribution!
[4:139] They bol jeden ally disbelievers believers. they seeking dignity them? All
dignity belongs GOD alone
[4:140] He instruovat ona scripture ona hear GOD’s revelations mocked ridiculed ona
nie zasadat them they delve iny subject Inak ona je mat rad guilty mat rad they bol GOD
will ZOZBIERAT hypocrites disbelievers DOHROMADY DO Hell!
[4:141] They watch ona cakat; ona attain victory GOD they say (do ona) Je my nie ona?
disbelievers get turn they say (do them) Robi my nie strana ona chranit ona z believers?
GOD will judge medzi ona Dni Vzkriesenie! GOD will never permit disbelievers prevail
[4:142] hypocrites myslienka they klamat GOD He bol Jeden leads them on. When they
get for Zmluva Prayer (Salat) they get lazily. Ze je they len show ludia zriedka robi they
myslienka z GOD
[4:143] They waver v medzi neither belonging do this zoskupit nor ze zoskupit!
Whomever GOD sends astray ona never zalozit way guide him!
[4:144] O ona verit ona nie ally disbelievers believers! Ona zelat zadovazit GOD
zretelny proof ona?
[4:145] hypocrites committed lowest bana z Hell ona zalozit ziaden 1 pomoc them!
[4:146] Len those repent reform hold chytro do GOD devote ich nabozenstvo absolutely
GOD alone pocitat believers! GOD will ZEHNAT believers velky recompense
[4:147] Co will GOD zisk punishing ona ona became appreciative verit GOD bol
Appreciative Omniscient
[4:148] GOD NIE ZALUBA utterance zly language, unless JEDEN treated gross
injustice. GOD bol Hearer Knower.
[4:149] If ona zavodny righteousness – either declared zatajit – pardon transgression
GOD bol Pardoner Omnipotent
[4:150] Those disbelieve GOD Jeho posol seek robit distinction GOD Jeho posol say
My verit v some zamietnut some zelat nasledovat chodnicek v medzi
[4:151] these bol real disbelievers. My chystat disbelievers shameful retribution.
[4:152] Mat rad for those verit v GOD Jeho posol robit nie distinction them He grant
them ich recompense GOD bol Forgiver Merciful.
[4:153] Ludia scripture challenge ona bring them rezervovat si sky They ziadat Moses
inak than saying Show us GOD physically! Consequently lightning struck them mat rad
consequence ich audacity. Additionally they kult calf after all zazrak they seen. My
pardoned all this. My supported Moses profound zazrak.
[4:154] My chov Mount Sinai them mat rad my berie ich covenant My said do them
Zapisat zavora humbly My said do them nie desecrate Sabbath. Indeed my berie them
solemn covenant
[4:155] (They incurred condemnation) znasilnit ich covenant zamietnut GOD’s
revelations killing prophets unjustly a saying Our zmyslanie je robit up skutocne GOD
bol Jeden zapecatit ich zmyslanie ich disbelief this je they zlyhat verit except zriedka!
[4:156] (They condemned disbelieving uttering Mary gross laicky
[4:157] A for reklamacia lenze they killed Messiah Jesus syn Mary posol GOD
Skutocne they never killed him they never crucified him – they robit myslienka they robit.
All factions disputing v this zalezitost je full z doubt this issue They nie possess znalost;
they len conjecture Istota they never killed him.
[4:158] Radsej GOD chov him do Him; GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[4:159] Everyone among the ludia z scripture je required verit v him jeho smrt! Dni
Vzkriesenie he bol svedok them.
[4:160] Due do ich transgressions my zakazat Zid dobry foods pouzivat bol lawful for
them; i for consistently zapudit chodnicek GOD
[4:161] A for practicing usury zakazat a consuming ludia peniaze illicitly My chystat
disbelievers them painful retribution.
[4:162] Mat rad for those among them lepsi founded znalost believers they verit v co
revealed ona v co revealed before ona! They bol observers z Zmluva Prayers (Salat)
givers z zavazny laska k bliznemu (Zakat;) they bol believers GOD Posledny Dni. My
grant these velka recompense
[4:163] My inspirovat ona mat rad my inspirovat Noah prophets him. My inspirovat
Abraham Ismail Isaac Jacob Patriarchs Jesus Zamestnanie Jonah Aaron Solomon. My dat
David Zalm.
[4:164] Posol my told ona posol my never told ona about GOD spoke do Moses directly.
[4:165] Posol deliver dobry zvest i mat rad warnings. Thus ludia have excuse when
they face GOD after all these posol pojdem them. GOD bol Almighty Wise.
[4:166] GOD bears svedok zaujem co He revealed ona; He revealed it Jeho znalost!
angels bear svedok i GOD suffices mat rad svedok!
[4:167] Iste those disbelieve zapudit way GOD have strayed daleko astray!
[4:168] Those disbelieve transgress GOD will nie forgive them nor will He guide them
v any way
[4:169] way do Hell, wherein they abide forever This bol easy GOD robit.
[4:170] O zaludnit posol pojdem ona truth z tvoj Lord Therefore ona verit tvoj own
dobre Ona disbelieve potom GOD belongs everything heavens zem. GOD bol
Omniscient Wise.
[4:171] O ludia scripture nie transgress limits tvoj nabozenstvo nie say GOD except
truth! Messiah Jesus syn Mary je posol GOD Jeho word He had sent do Mary revelation
Him. Therefore ona verit v GOD Jeho posol. Ona nie say Trinity. Ona zdrzat sa this tvoj
own dobre GOD bol LEN JEDEN god He glorified He bol vela i glorious have syn! Do
Him belongs everything heavens everything on zem! GOD suffices Lord A Zvladnut
[4:82] Why they nie study Quran carefully If je z inak than GOD they zalozit it
numerous contradictions.

[4:172] Messiah never disdain z bol servant GOD nor would koniec angels. Those kto
disdain z kult Him som i arrogant submit He zvolat them all before Him!
[4:173] Mat rad for those verit lead righteous zivot He fully recompense them lejak
them Jeho grace Mat rad for those disdain turn arrogant He commit them painful
retribution! They nie zalozit lord GOD nor savior.
[4:174] O ludia proof pojdem ona tvoj Lord my sent ona profound beacon
[4:175] Those verit v GOD hold chytro Him He admit them zlutovanie Him grace guide
them Him do straight chodnicek!
[4:176] They consult ona; say GOD radit ona single clovek. Jeden umrel nie lavy dieta
he had sestra ona gets half inheritance! Ona umrel prvy he zdedit ju ona nie lavy dieta.
there bol 2 sestra they get two-thirds inheritance. siblings bol clovek zensky muzsky gets
dva krat share zenska. GOD thus clarifies ona lest ona ist astray! GOD bol fully aware z
all things.