Quran translations in many languages

Quran in Slovak


T. H. (Ta Ha)
V the vola sa z God Gracious Merciful
[20:1] T. H.
[20:2] My nie reveal Quran ona zapricinit ona any hardship!
[20:3] Len do remind the reverent!
[20:4] revelation z Creator zem high heavens.
[20:5] The Vela Gracious; He assumed all authority
[20:6] Do Him belongs everything heavens zem everything them everything ground
[20:7] Ona declare tvoj convictions nie) He zauzlit secret co vecer zatajit!
[20:8] GOD there NIE bol INAK god Him. Do Him belong the vela dobry vola sa
[20:9] Ona noted history Moses
[20:10] When he saw zapalit he said do jeho rodina Zostat tu. Ja seen zapalit. Maybe ja
bring ona some z it zalozit some guidance zapalit.
[20:11] When he pojdem it he bol vola sa O Moses
[20:12] Ja bol tvoj Lord zosadit tvoj sandals! Ona bol sacred valley Tuwaa.
[20:13] Ja zvolit si ona so listen do co revealed
[20:14] Ja bol GOD there nie bol inak god Mna. Ona kult Mna alone observe Zmluva
Prayers (Salat) zapamatat si Mna!
[20:15] Hodiny (koniec z world iste pojdem; ja keep it skoro zatajit each soul je platit
for its robota!
[20:16] Nie diverted therefrom by those nie verit v it – those pursue ich own nazor – lest
ona jesen
[20:17] Co je this v tvoj na pravo hand Moses
[20:18] He said This bol moj staff Ja chudy it herd moj sheep it ja pouzivat it inak ucel.
[20:19] He said Throw it nadol Moses
[20:20] He threw it nadol whereupon it turned into moving serpent.
[20:21] He said Pick it nie bol afraid! My spatny listok it its irecity statny
[20:22] A hold tvoj hand tvoj kulisy; it pod biely blemish iny proof
[20:23] My thus show ona some z our velka portents.
[20:24] Ist Pharaoh he transgressed
[20:25] He said Moj Lord chladny moj temper
[20:26] robit this zalezitost easy mna!
[20:27] A untie knot moj jazyk.
[20:28] So they chapat moj speech.
[20:29] A appoint assistant for mna moj rodina.
[20:30] Moj brat Aaron.
[20:31] Zosilnit mna him!
[20:32] Let him je moj partner v this zalezitost!
[20:33] Ze my glorify Ona frequently.
[20:34] A commemorate Ona frequently!
[20:35] Ona bol Seer z us.
[20:36] He said Tvoj ziadost granted O Moses
[20:37] My zehnat ona znova.
[20:38] When my revealed tvoj matka co my revealed
[20:39] Saying Throw him puzdro potom throw him into rieka! Rieka throw him shore
picked enemy z Bana enemy jeho. ‘ ja lejak ona s mat rad Mna ja had ona robit Moj
watchful oci!
[20:40] Tvoj sestra chodza them said ‘ja tell ona nursing matka berie dobry care z him. ‘
My thus spatny listok ona tvoj matka ze ona bol happy zastavit znepokojit A when ona
killed clovek my saved ona grievous consequences; indeed my tested ona thoroughly.
Ona zostat rocnik ludia Midyan ihned ona pod v accordance s precise plan
[20:41] Ja robit ona iba Mna.
[20:42] Ist tvoj brat supported by Moj znamenie nie waver v zapamatat si Mna!
[20:43] Ist Pharaoh he transgressed
[20:44] Speak do him nicely; he berie heed become reverent!
[20:45] They said Our Lord my fear lest he zachvatit us transgress!
[20:46] He said je afraid ja bol ona listening watching
[20:47] Ist him say ‘My je 2 posol z tvoj Lord Let Dieta Izrael ist! Ona zdrzat sa z
persecuting them! My bring znamenie tvoj Lord peace bol lot z those heed guidance.
[20:48] ‘My inspirovat retribution inevitably afflict those disbelieve turn ‘!
[20:49] He said Kto bol tvoj Lord O Moses
[20:50] He said Our Lord je 1 kto granted everything its existence its guidance!
[20:51] He said Co about minuly generations
[20:52] He said znalost thereof bol moj Lord rekord. Moj Lord never chybit nor robit He
[20:53] He je Jeden robit zem habitable ona paved v it cesta ona. He sends nadol sky
zavlazit my produce vela inak laskavy zasadit!
[20:54] Jestn chov tvoj zivy inventar! These som sufficient proofs those possess
[20:55] Z it my created ona it my spatny listok ona z it my bring ona out znova!
[20:56] My showed him all our proofs he disbelieved refused
[20:57] He said ona pojdem tu berie us our zem tvoj kuzlo O Moses
[20:58] My iste show ona a podobne kuzlo. Therefore set appointment ze neither my nor
ona znasilnit; neutral miesto.
[20:59] He said Tvoj appointed lehota bol dni radovanky. all zist sa forenoon!
[20:60] Pharaoh zvolat jeho forces potom pojdem!
[20:61] Moses said do them Woe do ona. Ona fabricate laicky boj GOD robit thus incur
Jeho retribution? Such fabricators iste zlyhat.
[20:62] They disputed themselves mat rad they conferred privately.
[20:63] They said These 2 je ziaden inak than kuzelnik zelat berie ona tvoj zem ich
kuzlo do znicit tvoj idealny way z zivot.
[20:64] zhodovat sa upon 1 kut plany face them zlucit front winner dnes have upper
[20:65] They said O Moses either ona throw my bol prvy throw
[20:66] He said Ona throw Whereupon ich lano lepit sa zdat sa him ich kuzlo mat rad
they moving
[20:67] Moses harbored some fear
[20:68] My said Have fear Ona prevail
[20:69] Throw co ona hold do tvoj na pravo hand it lastovicka co they fabricated co they
fabricated bol ziaden inak than kut plany kuzelnik. Kuzelnik robota nie succeed.
[20:70] Kuzelnik fell prostrate saying My verit v Lord z Aaron Moses
[20:71] He said Robi ona verit v him moj permission? He bol tvoj chief jeden taught ona
kuzlo. Ja iste sever tvoj hands nohy alternate strana. Ja crucify ona palm kufor. Ona robit
zalozit out kto z us inflict chory retribution kto outlasts koho!
[20:72] They said My nie mat radsej ona zretelny proofs ze pojdem us a Jeden created
us! Therefore issue whatever judgment ona zelat issue Ona len rule v this lowly zivot.
[20:73] My have verit v our Lord lenze He forgive us our zhresit kuzlo ze ona forced us
zastavat! GOD bol DALEKO LEPSIE Everlasting
[20:74] Ktokolvek pojdem jeho Lord guilty will incur Hell wherein he never umrel nor
zostat alive.
[20:75] Mat rad for those pojdem Him believers led righteous zivot they attain high
[20:76] Zahrada Eden kto rieka flow bol ich abode forever Such je reward those purify.
[20:77] My inspirovat Moses Lead Moj servants out strike them dry cesta sea Ona nie
fear ona chytat nor shall ona znepokojit.
[20:78] Pharaoh pursued them s jeho troops sea overwhelmed them mat rad it bol
destined overwhelm them!
[20:79] Thus Pharaoh zmylit jeho ludia; he nie guide them.
[20:80] O Dieta Izrael my delivered ona tvoj enemy zvolat ona Mount Sinai my sent
nadol do ona manna quails
[20:81] Jestn dobry things my zadovazit for ona nie transgress lest ona incur Moj zloba.
Whoever incurs Moj zloba fallen
[20:82] Ja iste Forgiving those repent verit lead righteous zivot steadfastly zostat guided
[20:83] Why ona rush away tvoj ludia O Moses
[20:84] He said They je koniec mna! Ja rushed Ona moj Lord lenze Ona prosim!
[20:85] He said My put tvoj ludia test ona lavy Samarian zmylit them!
[20:86] Moses spatny listok jeho ludia angry disappointed saying O moj ludia tvoj Lord
nie promise ona dobry promise Ona nie cakat? Ona chudoba robit incur zloba z tvoj Lord
this why ona je lamat tvoj dohoda mna?
[20:87] They said My nie zlomit our dohoda ona on ucel. My loaded jewelry decided
throw our loads do! This bol co Samarian navrhovat!
[20:88] He produced them sculpted calf complete calf’s zdravy! They said This bol tvoj
god god Moses Thus he zabudnut.
[20:89] they nie see it neither responded them nor possessed any power harm them
benefit them?
[20:90] Aaron told them O moj ludia this bol test ona. Tvoj iba Lord je the Vela
Gracious so nasledovat mi obey moj commands
[20:91] They said My zotrvat kult it Moses pod
[20:92] Moses said O Aaron co je it zamedzit ona when ona saw them ist astray!
[20:93] Z nasledovat moj zakazka? Ona rebelled mna?
[20:94] He said O syn moj matka robit nie tahat mna moj beard moj riaditel. Ja bol
afraid ze ona say ‘Ona divided Dieta Izrael disobeyed moj zakazka. ‘!
[20:95] He said Co bol the zalezitost ona O Samarian?
[20:96] He said ja saw co they nie see Ja grabbed fistful (z dust miesto kde posol stood
pouzivat it mix zlaty calf This bol co moj zmyslanie inspirovat mna robit!
[20:97] He said Potom ist tvoj zivot robi nie vecer pojdem koniec! Ona have appointed
cas tvoj zaverecny judgment ona never evade Look tvoj god ona pouzivat kult; my burn it
throw it into sea do zostat nadol there forever
[20:98] Tvoj iba god bol GOD 1 beside koho there nie bol inaksie god Jeho znalost
encompasses all things.
[20:99] My thus narrate ona some zvest minuly generations My revealed ona odkaz z
[20:100] Those disregard it bear load (z zhresit) Dni Vzkriesenie.
[20:101] Eternally they abide therein; co chudobny load Dni Vzkriesenie!
[20:102] Ze je dni when roh blown my zvolat guilty ze dni blue
[20:103] Whispering themselves they say Ona zostat 1 zivot) ziaden inak than 10 dni!
[20:104] My bol fully aware z ich utterances. The vela accurate among them say Ona
zostat ziaden inak than dni!
[20:105] They ziadat ona mountains. Say Moj Lord wipe them out!
[20:106] He lavy them mat rad barren byt zem.
[20:107] “Nie vecer slightest hill will ona see therein nor dip
[20:108] Ze dni everyone nasledovat caller slightest deviation. All zdravy zmlknut
before the Vela Gracious; ona hear nothing whispers
[20:109] Ze dni intercession bol zbytocny except for those permitted by the Vela
Gracious whose utterances zhodny Jeho will
[20:110] He zauzlit ich minuly ich buduci chvila ziaden encompasses Jeho znalost.
[20:111] All faces submit Zivy Eternal those kto burdened ich transgressions zlyhat!
[20:112] Mat rad for those zavodny righteousness chvila verit they have fear z injustice
[20:113] My thus revealed it Arabic Quran my cited v it all laskavy z prophecies they
saved it zapricinit them berie heed
[20:114] Exalted bol GOD iba true King! Nie rush uttering Quran it revealed ona say
Moj Lord zvacsit moj znalost!
[20:115] My tested Adam v the minuly, he zabudnut my zalozit him indecisive.
[20:116] Recall lenze my said do angels, Jesen prostrate Adam. They fell prostrate
Satan; he refused
[20:117] My potom said O Adam this bol enemy z ona tvoj manzelka. Nie let him evict
ona Raj lest ona become chudobny!
[20:118] Ona zaruka never hunger therein nor ist unsheltered!
[20:119] Nor will ona thirst therein nor suffer any kurit.
[20:120] devil whispered him saying O Adam let mna show ona strom eternity unending
[20:121] They jestn z it whereupon ich zbor became visible do them they tried pokryvka
vlavo Raj! Adam thus disobeyed jeho Lord fell
[20:122] Subsequently jeho Lord zvolit si him redeemed him guided him!
[20:123] He said Ist nadol therefrom all z ona! Ona bol enemies z 1 iny When guidance
pojdem ona Mna ktokolvek nasledovat Moj guidance nie ist astray nor suffer any misery!
[20:124] Mat rad for 1 kto disregards Moj odkaz he have amiserable zivot my resurrect
him Dni Vzkriesenie blind
[20:125] He say Moj Lord robit ona zvolat mna blind when ja robit pouzivat bol seer?
[20:126] He say ona zabudnut our revelations when they pojdem ona ona ihned
[20:127] My thus requite those transgress refuse verit v revelations ich Lord retribution
Hereafter bol daleko zly everlasting
[20:128] it robit vzdy occur them ako vela previous generations my annihilated They
ihned chodza domov z those before them. These som znamka those possess inteligencia.
[20:129] If nie bol tvoj Lord’s predetermined plan they judged ihned.
[20:130] Therefore je chory v the face z ich utterances chvalit glorify tvoj Lord before
sunrise before zapad slnka! during night glorify Him i mat rad both koniec z dni ona bol
[20:131] Nie covet co my bestowed any inaksie ludia! Such je temporary ornaments
this zivot whereby my put them test co tvoj Lord zadovazit for ona bol daleko lepsie
[20:132] Ona enjoin tvoj rodina observe zmluva prayers (Salat) steadfastly persevere v
robi so My nie ziadat ona any provisions my je the jeden zadovazit for ona. ultimate
triumph belongs do the righteous.
[20:133] They said he len show us zazrak z jeho Lord they nie receive sufficient zazrak
previous odkaz?
[20:134] Had my annihilated them this they said Our Lord had Ona sent posol us my
nasledovat Tvoj revelations avoided this shame humiliation!
[20:135] Say All z us cakat cakat; ona will iste zalozit out kto je toje spravne chodnicek
kto truly guided